And here's my ten cents.

I've been an active programmer for 9 years now and I've always wanted to make a game. Just like chronozphere said earlier, it's a big task and it definitely won't be easy to complete.

You can always use free engines (like OGRE or Irrlicht), so that shouldn't be that much of a problem. But there's the artistic side which is a big problem.

But nowadays people are accustomed to uber graphics and incredible music and sound effects. Without a good team I don't think it's possible to create stunning art, as most programmers aren't that skilled as an artist is. And believe me, it's hard to find someone who would work for free and unfortunately, models aren't free either.

If you want to make a game, get some budget or maybe a sponsor? But I suppose you'd have to show the potential sponsor that you're a worthy one to invest his money in you. But then, your game couldn't be open source, I'm afraid.

Anyway, here's what I think about it. I hope you don't get it wrong, I didn't mean to discourage you or anything, but I want you to realise that making a big game isn't that easy as it was supposed to be a couple of years ago.

End of transmission.