The link comes in when you look the page down.. there should be little countdown 80 seconds or something, but yeah i wasn't aware of alternatives.
On Mediafire now then:

This is only slightly modified version There is now 7 active players and 1 inactive which will just drop ships to ground. Chasing and flying is little fine tuned. I'd maybe like to add shadows myself...

"Wizard: One thing I realized is that when you spawn over 900 ships on one or more areas the fps dropps and movement becomes jerky..."

Yeah happens, in real game the ships should be much more scattered through the play area and in the second link demo they do scatter more unless you create them in 1 place.

Edit: maybe it's just my machine, my fps stays at 31 with 2000 units in same view but i can hear the cpu fan wakes up 3000 units and it was pushing at maximum of first processor unit (this isn't using multicore at least yet, it comes to rendering anyway i think which can't be optimized that way?) but fps still 30. Move view elsewhere and it relax...