Quote Originally Posted by Brainer
Is there a limit of an article's length? What if I wanted to write a series?
A series would be great. If you could get me a series of articles I could publish them in succession. Keep in mind that each issue's publication date is about 3 - 4 months apart so there would be some time between issues. This gives you a bit of time to write and me a bit of time to edit in all into the mag and make it look all pretty.

As for length a good rule of thumb is to write almost twice as many pages as you intend on being published. That is considering you are using standard font at about 12pt size. diagrams, code and other illustrations and screenshots will need space, but as you can see I can easily deal with about a half page of space with some fun little factoids or an extra bonus bit of information related to the article being edited. (Plus I plan on fitting in my own little piece 'Did you know?' in each issue. )

Anyhow once I get the .doc or .odt file I can open it look it over and ask for more or have you spruce it up a bit. Or if grammar needs correcting I can do that myself.

If you want to write for the mag just have a read-through the first issue and see what sections you can write for:

Feature: You can write a feature for a future issue, but usually this is the biggest part of the issue so it'll involve a lot of work. (And next issue is taken up by the PGD Annual)

The Code Block: Anything programming related or to do with code. All things welcome!

Project Highlights: Talk about a library, game engine, compiler, script engine or other such related projects.

Special Report: This is more of the industry/community side of things, special events, opinions on tools, companies, overall development, etc...

Game Reviews: I will pick out a handful of games to be reviewed so if you would like to do one and think that you have th time drop me a line and I can send you the game and the specifications for that game. You can also suggest a game for review too if it is fairly new and, of course, made with Pascal.