No progress here, i'm afraid.

I just started at university and I really have to adjust because my old school and life were very different in every way. My life has just turned upside down, so to speak. Therefore It's really hard to concentrate on anything besides studying, travelling and all those new people.

There is still alot of work to do. I have finished the DeleD plugins that help me making race-tracks, but the game-application itsself is not there yet. Actually I'm still working on engine-code which is really bad because the deadline is not very far away now. To be realistic, there is a big chance that I will not be able to finish my entry on time.

I will try though. If I don't finish it on time, I will finish it sooner or later.
I'm actually a bit sad about this because I waited very long for the opportunity to join PGD annual.

I just really hope that the other entries make it to the end. Hopefully, I will be able to do the same.