(What came to my mind was the .NET stuff. C#, C++, Java, Chrome(Pascal) etc. compiled to a the same intermediate language.)

- What you also could do is make an IDE and provide different compilers.
- -OR- as you need a runtime-environment, you can support there all the languages with the 'kernel' to guide everything into the correct direction.
For example: I make a program in Pascal script and I can call trough the kernel a function in some sort of Lua script.

I'm also still wandering around if I need to implement a scripting engine in my game engine. The thing is that I actually don't need it, but I want it for fun. Sometimes scripting can make things simple and quick without recompiling and/or restarting the whole engine.

Edit: I like the idea if the languages can work together somehow. btw, what is your plan to use it for?