I want to share with you my concern regarding my own entry.

Allthough my entry may look impressive, it's far from finished and working on it has become frustrating rather than fun. This is because of:
  • Mathy routines that don't work (a lot of code depends on these routines)
  • Floating point rounding errors
  • Memory leaks
  • Increasing complexity of my code
  • DeleD crashes (probably lost 24 hours of work because of this)
  • Making content is alot of work
  • When data (like a racetrack) is corrupted, its hard (or impossible) to fix it (that just happened )

All these things cause alot of frustration. I keep on debugging and fixing things that I thought were fixed. Somehow, I keep myself at it, but now I've come to the point where I'm considering to drop the project. Yeah.. It hurts, but it might be the best thing to do. I still have hope to finish this, but I doubt whether this hope is justified.


Just don't know what to do now??

Edit: Just fixed my corrupted race track. I'll show you some pics when I have lightmapped it.