Thanks chief

I will have a quick look for you

EDIT: it compiles just fine for me under Lazarus (fpc 2.2.4) after I quickly added the unit to an existing project...

It also compiles using Delphi 6 too.

Here is the screenshot from Delhi 6:

EDIT#2 OOPS! I didn't notice your commented out line at the bottom of the code...sorry!!

Ok, now I get this error (Delphi - seems a bit more descriptive than your fpc error):

"String literals may have at most 255 elements"

In Delphi at least (and guessing fpc too), this means you need to break up string literals (or constants) into 255 or smaller chunks like so:

[pascal] rooms[0].w := '2[&]2[&]You turn your head to the west. The immense iron bars of the cell door are impassable. The door is locked.[&]You slide the crudely made key into the lock. As you turn the bone key, it snaps in half. '+
'Luckily for you, the door was unlocked just before the key broke.';

I hope this helps

BTW, I'm not sure what the "2[&]" parts are for in the string...some sort of commands that you interpret via code?
