I've been looking for a good Profiler for FPC for a while now to little or no avail. You can use Valgrind on Linux (http://lazarusroad.blogspot.com/2007...ofile-fpc.html shows a start) but for Windows there really isn't an answer. Lots of people have talked about porting DelphiTools' Sampling Profiler (http://delphitools.info/samplingprofiler/) but I've not seen a single one complete the task (don't know how hard it would really be).

This post (http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/user/userse56.html) seems to allude to using gprof with the --pg compiler flag, but again this seems to be a Linux only solution.

I'll be interested to see if anyone else finds anything beyond this

Looks like built in profiling is broke http://wiki.freepascal.org/Profiling...ofiler_support except in trunk 251

- Jeremy