I can somewhat relate Alex. Thats sort of why I've started the magazine so I didn't have to struggle with all these new site templates and complicated posting software. I just wanted to have a simple way to gather all that I've discovered and disseminate it as best I could. I also have only myself to answer to in how I go about such a task as it's a self-ran publication. Makes dropping it and picking it back up again later easy.

PGD is not such an easy beast. I recognized this day into the job of making the first site for this all. Truth is you need something that is easy for 'the next guy' to pick up and continue adding and putting the time in. I'm not sure the new PGD is that. Sure people post, but to be honest I think the first one the we(Alex and I) made, though incomplete and buggy as hell had more of that hey come on in and contribute factor that this one seems to miss. Even I have a hard time posting news as someone with an administrator's account.

I dunno, PGD needs to do something to inject a bit more life into it. I'd hate to see things progress to the point where the site turns into a 'ghost town.' There is a lot you guys can do that take little or not time, but alas someone has to action these things, but noone has the time.

Quote Originally Posted by Stoney
There are certainly some Pascal-related news out there. For example: A new version of Hedgewars has just been released and personally I would definitely deem projects like BESEN news-worthy.
And if we go back in time a little: Stalker_23b placed 6th out of 121 entries with his Delphi game Dark Fire at Ludum Dare 16. That's impressive.
All true Stoney and thanks for pointing these out to me, I'll be sure to have some of this in the new issue. I miss seeing these on PGD.