Here is the change-log of this release:


* Created README.TXT.
* Fixes in collision detection.
* Improved models animation speed syncronization.


* Bugfix - client crashes after chicken's respawn.
* Bugfix - Player locks walking if other player attack.
* Bugfix - Keys 'z' (run) and 'x' (jump) can't be used in chat mode.


* Added first NPC.
* Added first item (Cheese) by Guillem.
* Added dino (model made by Reginaldo).
* Added chicken by Guillem.
* Added monster collision detection at server side.
* Added char names over the players.
* Added angle in monster's messages from server to client.
* Added number version in client and server and make server checks at login - by Guillem.
* Improved server's exception handling.
* Fix keys and network under windows.
* Change player animation back to walk when release the alt key.
* Several code improvements by Winhein.

The project is hosted at:

The test server is up! The src folder has the executables: mundo.exe for windows or just mundo for Linux. Linux users please run it in the console because it asks a name for the char.

The keys are: arrows to walk, space to attack, F1 to F4 to change camera, ENTER to post chat, Z to run and X to jump.

Pascal developers are invited to join

Thanks for your feedback.