BESEN.pas(19,24) Fatal: Internal error 200208151
Actually this exception happens with the latest SVN version on all Lazarus/FPC 2.4.1 builds. Not sure exactly what it is, but I know it has to do with Inlining ( typically.

I posted this to the mail group as well, but I finally started playing with BESEN. Great, excellent, amazing work! Except...

I want to import existing objects that do not inherit from TBESENNativeObject and some that do, and make them accessible to (some/all of) the running scripts . I found that you can register the prototype for a TBESENNativeObject via RegisterNativeObject, but can't figure out how to register the actual instance (btw: how can you create a proper instance of a TBESENNativeObject without passing in the BESEN base?) I'm guessing this is done via RegisterNativeFunction for instances that derive from TBESENNativeObject, but can't figure out the exact details.

So, in short, lets say I have a playing field that has "smart objects" placed on it. Each object has a script assigned to it, and there is a global master script that needs access to these objects as well. How do I achieve this?

This brings me to a great example app that could be put together: Tic-Tac-Toe. Two separate AI scripts loaded and one "master" script loaded. Each AI gets ran for 1 turn, then the master gets ran to check game state and report back. The game board is a standard object and each "player" is a TBESENNativeObject.

This would should most scenarios where you need to interface with existing and custom objects.

Thanks, and hopefully someone is still reading this thread,
- Jeremy