If anyone wants to try the game so far (includes collisions, working warps, teleporters, switches, and the TLS [Teleporter Laser System]), you can download it here (1.98Mb 7-zip file, includes a single test level as proof-of-concept):


w = move up
x = move down
a = move left
d = move right
Escape = exits game

Near the top-left teleporter (starts off disabled), you will find a switch that you can push to toggle on/off. When on, the aforementioned teleporter will be activated as it is linked to the switch.

There is a console (with flashing ?) on the left wall (not implemented yet), which will be used to give the player help/hints about the current level.

Once activated, you can use the teleporter to teleport to the central part, collect the crystals, and come back again.

Then just move that single boulder lying down in the lower left so it is out of the way of the yellow beam that is trying to charging up the TLS receiver (hint, push it into a warp)

After 5 seconds of accumulated charging, the TLS receiver will activate, and the level will complete.

The falling boulders don't kill the player yet, but will later on just like regular boulder-dash games

Enjoy, and feedback would be appreciated
