Quote Originally Posted by mikade
Sounds pretty impressive.

How long do you think UI overhaul is going to take? Erm, that is to say, should I just wait for a new version, or try what you've posted now?
LOL, the answer on timelines from me will always be "Its done when its done". The UI overhaul won't be anything major and the gameplay won't change with it. So the version I've posted is as playable as any.

On the subject of Educational Games... It depends, I end up coding a lot of "quick hit games" for my kids but don't hardly ever release something to the public. An example would be a math based fill in the picture "game". The player was presented with a field of formulas and as they solved the formulas a picture was revealed, if you answered what the picture was successfully then you got a simple "yeah" screen and the next set of problems were thrown up.

I've also done a few memory type games. Some with math (1 + 1 = 2), some with pictures (two different dogs but still dogs), some with words (cat = <pic of cat>), nothing ever very polished, but good enough to keep my kids interested.

E-Dungeon is another thing my oldest and I work on from time to time (of course right now we are working on this one). Its basically a Rogue-Like game where you have to wander around learning things. Nothing fancy right now, but fun to play when its working LOL (can't compile right now as I broke some of the code when I reinstalled everything the other day).

- Jeremy