News-news-news guys. So i implemented the hierarchical z-buffer with 3 basic funtions, for fast tile skip, standart per pixel z comparing and fast z writing without z comparing to old z values in z buffer.

I uploaded 2 demos. One with colored debug info and one without the coloring to see how it normal works. ..and now just in 800x600 resolution to don't get the old window problems (in old demo's are the rendering window's in 1680x1050 resolution, and that caused no-drawing on computers which have lower resolution on desktop) :
*black tiles - skipped tiles of the hidden small quad
*green tiles - tiles drawn with the fast write fucntion (no z comparison) and are not compared against the triangle edges
*cyan tiles - tiles are drawn with fast write function (no z comparison) but compared against the triangle edges
*gray tiles - tiles are drawn with function that compares the z-values agaisnt the z-buffer and are compared against the triangle edges

Next stop ...clipping and transform pipeline ... and first rotated cube?