As I said earlier, I've started working on a new demo program (music one) to demonstrate the new ability of Prometheus units. I've decided on a Guitar hero game for pc and the name Musicality. If any of you have played accurads (i think its called) or supersonic wii (great game, especially for homebrew) this is a bit like that. The theme is weird, but after an hour of "WTF AM I DOING" comments by me at fpc, i did get this far in a 'more' sustainable architecture.
Those of you whom will look at the code when it gets somewhere will no doubt say WTF but I got the idea after looking at some delphi and lazarus .pas files in programmers notepad (never used any RAD environment like lazarus or delphi ever) thought it wasnt a bad idea. So this is some retro kid attempting to use the architecture for a fpc only game... yipee yay.
Musicality first beta in two weeks or so I think. Depends on how many damn GCSE assessments find their way to me in the next few days. Damn it. (screenshot attached)
Oh and sorry for the multiple attachments, but you cant fit a decent screenshot in 16kb of image... so i had to zip it up.