Yes, pointers are one of the harder things about programming. I'll have some links for you:

Ok, I'll breifly explain them:

All your variables are stored in RAM memory. Pointers are also stored there, but they point to another location in RAM. They don't contain value's like 6 or "abc", but memory adresses.
A quick example:

//Make a new pointer type that points to integers (not sure if this allready exists)
  pinteger = ^integer; 

  v, w: integer;
  p: pinteger;  
  v := 100;
  w := 50;
  p := @v;  //the value of p is now the memory location of v

  showmessage( IntToStr( p^ ) );  //Output: 100 (^ means: show us what is stored at this memory location)

  v := v + 10;

  showmessage( IntToStr( p^ ) );   //Output: 110 

  p := @w;  //Let p point to w now

  showmessage( IntToStr( p^ ) );  //output 40

  p := nil;  //NIL means "points to nothing"

  showmessage( IntToStr( p^ ) );  //gives an error
Hope that helps.