ZenGL - cross-platform game development library written in Pascal, designed to provide necessary functionality for rendering 2D-graphics, handling input, sound output, etc.
Official website: http://zengl.org
Documentation: wiki
License: zlib
Supported OS: GNU/Linux, Windows, MacOS X, iOS, Android 2.1+
Supported compilers: FreePascal 2.4+, Delphi 7+
Graphics API: OpenGL, Direct3D 8/9, OpenGL ES 1.x
Sound API: OpenAL, DirectSound
- can be used as so/dll/dylib or statically compiled with your application
- rendering to own or any other prepared window
- logging
- resource loading from files, memory and zip archives
- multithreaded resource loading
- easy way to add supporting for new resource format
Configuration of
- antialiasing, screen resolution, refresh rate and vertical synchronization
- aspect correction
- title, position and size of window
- cursor visibility in window space
- handling keyboard, mouse and joystick input
- handling of Unicode text input
- possibility to restrict the input to the Latin alphabet
- supports tga, png, jpg and pvr
- correct work with NPOT textures
- control the filter parameters
- masking
- render targets for rendering into texture
- textured Unicode-font
- rendering UTF-8 or ANSI text
- rendering text with alignment and other options like size, color and count of symbols
- batch render for high-speed rendering
- rendering different primitives
- sprite engine
- rendering static and animated sprites and tiles
- rendering distortion grid
- rendering sprites with new texture coordinates(with the pixel dimension and the usual 0..1)
- control the blend mode and color mix mode
- control the color and alpha of vertices of sprites and primitives
- additional sprite transformations(flipping, zooming, vertices offset)
- fast clipping of invisible sprites
- 2D camera with ability to zoom and rotate the scene
- works through OpenAL or DirectSound in depends on configuration or OS
- correct work without soundcard
- supports wav and ogg as sound samples
- playing ogg files in separate thread
- control the volume and playback speed
- moving sound sources in 3D space
- decoding video frames into texture
- supports theora codec in ogv container
- basic set of additional math functions
- triangulation functions
- basic set of collision functions
- reading and writing ini-files
- functions for work with files and memory