I'll expand on what Paulius said...

Consider the basic premise of a vector: it's a bunch of numbers (one value per dimension, so x and y for R2 or x, y and z for R3) that should represents a direction. So, for example, the vector (x: 2, y: 3) represents "2 units to the right and 3 units up/down (depending on coordinate system)". Of course, such instructions have to be followed by a "start from here" point, which may well be the origin (x:0;y:0), although it doesn't have to be. It's all right saying "move 2 units to the right", but it has to be 2 units to the right of something!

So, you can keep a vector handy for a direction -- in the case here, which way the tank or your pixel is heading. Say we had the vector (x: 1; y: 0), which would be "move to the right". If you take any 2d point and add this vector onto it (point.x := point.x + vector.x; same for y) then you'd be moving along in this direction (since that's what the vector represents, a direction).

However, suppose we want to move along a bit further -- say, 5 times the usual amount in the direction. No problem, we'd code something like "point.x := point.x + (5 * vector.x); same for y". Everything is fine and dandy here -- we've moved 5 times further in the direction.


(x: 1; y: 0) represents "move directly to the right"
(x: 2; y: 0) represents "move directly to the right"
(x: (n>0); y: 0) represents "move directly to the right"

So you see, you have have any number of vectors pointing in the same direction. The difference between each is that they're multiples of a common base vector of unit length (e.g. (x:2; y:0) can be expressed as 2 * (x:1; y:0), with the difference in meaning being "move 2 times as far in whatever direction as the standard one does".

If we took the vector (x: 2; y: 0) and applied it with the "point.x := point.x + (5 * vector.x); same for y" as before, we'd go in the right direction, but too far (twice as far, to be exact)!

Normalisation is a process to ensure the vector is of unit length. Unit vectors are handy because they only give a direction, which can then be multiplied by any value to move that far. With other vectors, you usually can't express multiples of them correctly unless they are normalised. Think about this in our example again: we keep a track of where we're heading, and we say "move in this direction for {current speed} units". Hence, it's gotta be normalised.

Hopefully this has made it clear why you sometimes need normalised vectors. If not, let me know!