Why not just upload it on PGD for download?
It will be a lot easier for people interested in the code and again, as mentioned before in the Crisis topic, it could be a great starting point for beginners.
Why not just upload it on PGD for download?
It will be a lot easier for people interested in the code and again, as mentioned before in the Crisis topic, it could be a great starting point for beginners.
Imagine I've written something clever here inspiring you to make something awesome. If that happens give me credits
Nooo what a pity WILL! :cry:
I loved that game! I think to finish it quickly you could do a radomically
generated maze each time, so that the game would be infinite and you
haven't to design each level. It would be interesting!
Also releasing the source for the community is a great idea to show how
to code good AI.
You're dropping too much lately WILL (S33, GQ), something goes wrong or just
lack of inspiration?![]()
<br />Federico "FNX" Nisoli
<br />Lead Programmer - FNX Games
<br />http://www.fnxgames.com
<br /><img src="http://www.fnxgames.com/imgs/banners/fnxban.gif">
<br /></center>
I'm not dropping Garland's Quest. In fact it's the one project I'm salvaging from all of these failed attempts.Originally Posted by FNX
It's all a part of my recent change in ethos. I'm taking the advice from the folks at Introversion; Content sucks! :lol:
Seriously, think about it. What do you end up spending most of your time on when designing your games? The bloody sprites, models, maps, music, sound clips, video clips, etc... it's all content. I'm not saying that you or I should try to make a game without any of it. --Well actually that'd be kinda cool.-- But try to drop that down, WAY down as much as you can.
Indie developers will always have the ultimate content problem. So don't hurt yourself by jumping right in when you can't create the content that you will need in the first place.
Now if you can create the required content, and there are those here that can, great! Go for it. But for those like me who's artistic skills are limited, it's not such an accessible medium.
Anyhow thats my take on all the recent project droppings. I figured better to release it to you guys than have it rot on a thumb drive somewhere never to be used.
If you or anyone else want to finish the game yourself, then by all means go for it. Just let me know and I'll send the code.
The reason for not posting it up is that I have spent a fair deal of time on the project and I'd rather know whats going on with it than just post it and not get a single bit of info back about it. C-C is a different animal. I didn't do much other than the concept art and story plot, which I'm still retaining as my own IP. S33 is open for the taking...
Can I get the source? Doubt I'll actually finish the game, but I'd like to see what the code looks like... See some of the techniques used and such.
Sure by all means.
Some of the code is older (mostly the non OOP stuff) so you'll notice some arcaic things in there. but I've updated this code several times from Delphi as a DelphiX Night Stalker clone without any OOP to the now Subject 33 code that is written with Lazarus using JEDI-SDL where it's very much OOP.
All the AI stuff is brand new though so don't worry.
Well I've decided to pick up where I left off with Subject 33. I was so disappointed in myself that I never finished it and since I had the time to sit and code undisturbed for a good many hours of late, I decided to finally finish some of the missing features that I had half implemented when I left it.
I didn't get to finish all of the AI just yet, but all of the weapons and the door/key system works just fine. Rockets now fire off explosive rockets that explode on impact with Robot, wall, bunker or doors. The explosion graphics aren't pretty just yet, but it does the job until I can get a nicer visual effect when I port the graphics over to OpenGL.
A lot of what I'm planning is listed in the changelog.txt file if you are interested. I want to make a level editor, but I'm also kind of digging the ability to take a text file and change a few characters and I have a whole new map. You can edit the maps yourself, just keep in mind that they can only be 19x19 right now. With the weapons and door completed for now, I may move onto the map editor/loaded next. That or bash away on the Robot AI or various types of robots.
Read the ReadMe.txt file for directions on controls or other information about the game. It's worth taking a scroll through. Robot AI is explained a bit in the second half. It also gives you a guide for making your own maps.
Make a cool map? Send it to me or better yet, post it here for others to try too!
For this build, Build 9, I've set the Robots to respawn at; 50% Aggressive, 30% Tactical, 20% Evasive.
Fog of war has been turned off by default; I found this made the game very hard to play, but I left it in just in case you wanted a challenge.
Graphics are not 100%. FNX did really nice job with the weapons, tiles and items, but had some trouble with the player character so you'll notice the weird animation when he's running upwards. I'm planning on fixing all this when I make the hop to OpenGL for graphics. Just ignore it for now and enjoy the gameplay.
Here it is for you all to try and enjoy.
Very nice Jason!
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Just gave it a try.
I had a hard time dealing with the small graphics and found no way of making the game fullscreen or bigger, allthough the readme mentioned that these options were implemented. How can I make that work on windows? Would be too cool if this was available in an in-game menu.
Also, the main character isn't really visible because it has almost the same colors as the background. It took me a few minutes to find the character actually.
But it's great that you picked this one up again.![]()
Coders rule nr 1: Face ur bugz.. dont cage them with code, kill'em with ur cursor.
Great that you started again ;-) I gave it a try and have to agree with Cronozphere: Graphics are too small and no way to make game bigger, character is barely visible and no way to close app once running. Had to kill it through task manager. Tested on Win7
Wake up from the dream and live your life to the full