Hi Paulius,

seems like you wrote your post when I did my second
Sorry for my imapcience

Ok, now to your post....

I understand the talking about texturesize etc. I also understand that I have to use textures smaller than 512*512... But I miss the answer to my question... How do I draw e.g. backgrounds sized 800*600 the best way...

Sure, I can tile all my images, I then can load every single part of it into different TAGFImages (in this case by 256*256 it would be 4*3 = 12 parts!!!) and then draw them on the screen. I am sure this will also work on the graphic card I mentioned before, because I tried to draw a "tile" on this card and then it worked...
But in fact I am programmer and no designer ( I have a friend who does graphics, and he does his job very satisfying), so I don't want to mess with more pictures than I have to. And then the next question is, maybe I want to rotate the background, containing 4*3 images of 256*256 (to fill the screen of 800*600), how do I do this I have no experience in programming 3D so'it would be nice if you don't answer like "take the complement of vertex a and multiply it with face two, then add the matrice etc. :-) just joking, answer as you like, if I don't understand I will quote.....
