Hey everyone. As you may have noticed, PGD has been upgraded to the new software version. With it comes some added security and stability with added features. I'm very grateful for the auto-save of the new Quick Reply form as it reduces the loss of long forum posts, of which I'm known for here.
Also with it comes a new editor interface which seems to have a wee bit of an annoying bug. Namely the cursor will disappear on your should you use the left and right arrow keys. Up and down arrow keys seem to disregard the edit box all together and scroll your page instead. As annoying as this can be for some that relies on these keys much during your posting, the vBulletin staff are aware of this bug and are looking into it. Once the patch or new version is out that fixes this, I'll be quick to update once more.
This has nothing to do with the site migration, which is another matter altogether. As to that matter, my iMac is in the shop and I am waiting for them to open back up after the New Years holidays. Once it is back on my messy desktop I can start to migrate it over to the new server.
What do you guys think of the new version so far? Are there any issues that I perhaps don't know about? Let me know what you think of the site overall!