Scenemon is finally released for Windows and Android (and even iOS in the next weeks). It's a farbrausch & rebels co-prod. For those who do not know it: I am a member of farbrausch since 2006.
It's a simon/sensor-like game with demoscene melodies.
It's coded in ObjectPascal and compiled with FreePascal SVN trunk with some Compiler&RTL modifications from me (some FPC compiler ARM codegen improving patches and some android-oriented FPC RTL patches).
It uses for OGG decoding my pascal TREMOR port (see ), for PNG decoding BeRoPNG (see but in an yet private enhanced and codecleanupped version), for XM module replay BeRoXM (see ), for additional synthesis, mixing and resampling also own code. It uses OpenSL ES as sound output API on android (see ) instead the Audio AudioTrack Java API over JNI, because OpenSL ES is a native sound API and the AudioTrack stuff not. OpenGL ES 2.0 is used because it is with the GLSL ES shader support more flexible and offer even more performance (on current mobile SoCs) than the static-pipeline OpenGL ES 1.x. And the entrie code is multithreaded and optimized for the new dualcore/quadcore/whatevermulticore android smartphones&tablets.
And here finally the links: (Pouet) (Win32) (Android)