Hi. Thanks for your replies.
Yes, map rendering is limited, because i can't draw whole map at once. Fps goes down to 1-2 then.
I was thinking about walking around in city as in FPS games, but i don't know how it will look like. Because all blocks are 1*1*1 units in size. Some guys made a conversion for GTA San Andreas but i have to tell you, it looked very bad. At least for me. These blocks (maps) are not meant for FPS style. Maybe it will look better, if you create a race game with some "lowrider" and then drive around with camera almost on the ground but 3D car physics is not for me.
What i want to do is make the ped walking around in the map, actually i already have it but without any collisions.
I have collision code also, but just have been lazy to include it.
However i will try to look again at the map with low camera position (ground view) and how it looks.
Maybe if i scale blocks up a bit, it will look better. I haven't tried that yet.
The minimap method you posted is ok for game actually. But i found that original editor actually updates minimap as you remove / add / modify stuff (blocks) on the map.
But i will use your idea for game minimap. So when game loads it's stuff, it will create minimap and renders it on some plane.
I added displaying of zone names, the info it displays of course will be modified later.
This is just a test.
Got some neat text code from http://wiki.delphigl.com/index.php/wglUseFontBitmaps
User137 It would be nice to have that 3D text thingy in nxPascal.
I know you have fonts and stuff, but there is no functionality for 3D text that always faces the camera.
And i can now display 3D text that's facing cam always, without glut.
Few examples with zone names:
Also thanks to neat InRange() function of Delphi i can only draw strings that are currently in visible range of map.
Also thanks to nx.DrawScaled() i can draw neat planes for zones: