Smaller Lazarus executables:
Smartlink, Strip, then UPX
After these operations i guarantee your executables will be about the same size as Delphi ones.
Lazarus needs programmers, come on people, the FPC team is small, the Lazarus team is extremly small.
How do you expect them to be an Open Delphi with 1% of the Developers working on Delphi itself for big $$$
It takes time, why do you criticize the projects and don't help instead.
I always wanted my own Delphi wich could be totally customizeable and open and Lazarus is just that.
If Delphi will die it will be Borland's fault, maybe even MS's, i certainly don't want that but their prices and the the versions newer then 7 indicate Delphi will have the same faith Windows will have and that certainly will be death.
Personally i don't understand why Borland isn't developing Kylix anymore, maybe make a version for MAC OS X, windows is slowly being replaced with Linux, BSD or MAC and Linux is certainly the best OS for developement, oh and if you want it easy, just get Mandrake 10+, FC3+, SuSE or another Plug-n-play distro, get Karamba and other eye candy stuff if you want it nice, install some games and you have a verry good Desktop OS, an excelent developing platform by nature with verry good networking features.