I am propably going to ignore android development for (very long?) time being. There exists programming environments better suited for it. I will focus on the PC. And lets face it, it's the only platform for real gaming. What is going on the market does not concern me, games can be real virtual worlds to complement real life in a fun way. Small portable device is physically incapable of making that as rich experience.

I have been recently making 1 sort of 2D game, but it uses custom shaders. nxPascal can draw terrain with 1 shader, VBO and many texture units, game objects with other shader, and fonts on top with standard OpenGL commands. I did came to realize that switching to a shader is difficult, actually as much that i had to inherit from TGLShader and make a new class for each new shader. It really is that difficult because each has different uniform variables to pass, and different kind of rendering needs, i even needed a different structure in vertex array. Much of that can be copied straight from renderer class though.

So i am a little excited on what this engine could do in right hands. I was thinking of making a small 2D shader demo of a fish aquarium. It would render all first pass in frame buffer, and then render the second pass through a wave shader. It would make all objects within water to wave along with it

As always, you can suggest what kind of tutorials or additions you would like to see in nxPascal. How could i emphasize enough, that making simple 2D-game is actually easy, that this engine is new-programmer-friendly? On simplest level it comes down to nx.Draw(x, y), that's enough to draw a whole Pacman game if you wanted to.