That broom is quite enlightening.
Yes, using long rifles and swinging zweihanders in tight passages... That's arcade, not sim. Who *ever* implements inability to turn around because your shillelagh is longer than the corridor's width...
AFAIR only Tribes: Vengeance even had a mechanic that visibly moved your gun back if you faced a wall (and also called their rocket launcher "spinfusor" which is seriously badass).

At the very least, firearms could be balanced along movement vs accuracy axis. If you are on the move or change your aim rapidly, you get atrocious random spread (which shotguns and smgs partly negate by having their own spread). If you want an accurate shot you switch to aiming stance, either by stopping and reducing your mouse movements, or by pressing a dedicated button that hampers your movement and zooms.
If a game doesn't have that, it's an arcade and should look long and hard at the Quake series.

Hmm... Maybe i should review my concept. Not forcing movement penalty while spell is being charged, but inflicting large random sway instead (& hiding the crosshair). Then "Charging your enemy while charging your shot" becomes a valid strategy. Also, directing homing projectiles while sprinting (the controllable fireball from Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is my shining ideal).

Loadout opportunities arise.
If the spell that serves the role of shotgun (120% damage total scattered in a wide cone) could be pre-charged to fire instantly on release while sprinting, and its alt-fire works like Q3 nailgun (a long-range with very little spatial but large velocity spread) penalized with a loud sound and standing still...
If the spell that mimics Q3 plasma, at the same time, has a sizable firing delay and no way to pre-charge it because its alt fire consists of controllable single shots for long-range harassing instead...
That gives depth to the rock-paper-scissors interplay between those two.

Pair with more class-specific spells, like a controllable fireball that has hefty mana cost, and you get seriously fun gameplay with very few actual "weapons".