Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy Valavanis View Post
Even when I'm using forms, not only in games, I'm trying to stay 'procedural", without using objects/classes. Also as an old school programmer I 'm not used to some newer features. The only, let's say, year 2000 era feature I'm using are the optional parameters with default values.
Do you know that each form, control, component is objec/class? So while you think that you don't work with objects/classes you are. The only difference is that you only use existing predefined classes and don't define new ones by yourself.
But object/classes are whats making object orineted programing language to what they are. When used properly they can be verry powerful.
For instance. Lets say that you have your own class defining some ingame character. This class can contain various properties and even methods.
Properties act similar to variables but the main difference is that you can assign special so caled getter/setter methods to each property. In setter method you can for instance validate that new value of this property is valid before you change it to a new value. In getter mehod you can even calculate the result from several different variables. The best thing is that all this is being done automaticly.
Methods can be used for executing some special parts of code wich is related to this class.

For more info on classes I recomend reading:

Or even better go trough all Object oriented tutorials staring with