If you're on Windows (32-bit version), here's .bat file I use to compile FPC trunk after I update SVN (just adjust FPCMAKEPATH, FPCPATH and OUTPATH - in this case, C:/dev/fpc/2.4.2 is location of the latest official FPC, and C:/dev/fpc/2.5.1 is location where I want FPC to be installed for later use). It does full clean-make-install cycle.

set FPCMAKEPATH=C:/dev/fpc/2.4.2
set FPCPATH=C:/dev/fpc/2.4.2
set OUTPATH=C:/dev/fpc/2.5.1
for /r %OUTPATH%\examples %%d in (.svn) do @rmdir /s /q %%d
%FPCMAKEPATH%/bin/i386-win32/make clean FPC=%FPCPATH%/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe
if errorlevel 1 goto quit
%FPCMAKEPATH%/bin/i386-win32/make all FPC=%FPCPATH%/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe
if errorlevel 1 goto quit
%FPCMAKEPATH%/bin/i386-win32/make install FPC=%FPCPATH%/bin/i386-win32/ppc386.exe INSTALL_BASEDIR=%OUTPATH%
for /r %OUTPATH%\examples %%d in (.svn) do @rmdir /s /q %%d

As of Lazarus, just point FPC directory to C:/dev/fpc/2.5.1 (or wherever you set OUTPATH in the above .bat file), and use built-in feature to recompile it.