You don't have to adhere to the bit-torrent protocol, you can do multi-part sharing of your own accord, split into arbirary parts, get the hash of each part (MD5 etc) and use it to confirm each part as it's transferred. A simple list of confirmed aquired parts (or fully downloaded etc) and you're onto a winner. I think bit-torrent does some funky hashing that allows it to CRC check individial parts from just having the entire file/torrent hash (some funky maths going on there) but you really don't need that. just store a file similar to a .torrent that contains a list of all the parts, their start-end offsets and their CRCs. You can flag the bits you've got in the hashing file so you can resume downloads. A process that calculates the CRC of the parts from the file you have can be used to determine what's good in the instance of a program crash / unclean shutdown.