As much of what I'm saying is clearly wrong, educate me.

Assume I'm a beginner (I can code Pascal well, but in terms of graphics APIs I'm a newbie), I want to use OpenGL because I want cross platform (I'm using Delphi and I'm planning on targetting Windows, MacOSX and Android). I have a game idea that is 2D tile/sprite based (run jump platformer with some top down world exploration).

Which engine/framework should I use and why?

The selection criteria are:-

  • Must be actively maintained and up to date in terms of API implementations
  • Must be maintained by more than one person (I don't want to be waiting for bug fixes, when the only dev needs a break for his/her honeymoon for example)
  • Must be well documented (for beginners)
  • Must have a good suite of examples (for beginners)

So point me in the right direction.