Mouse & Keyboard:

I have always felt the "best" is to have arrow keys (or wasd for NA keyboard keys) for forward/back and strafing left/right. Then use your mouse for looking around and turning on the move. This for me personally offers the best controls. It's exactly what all the Unreal engine games and modern computer FPS game do these days.

For running you could do "holding shift down," but what do you think of this idea? double tap forward/back arrows for running forward or back? This can act like a sprint. Let go and you can single press forward or back to just walk as per normal.

Jumping with the above config could be either space and/or the middle or right mouse button.

Use/Interact would be the left-click on the mouse.

I'd feel most comfortable with those controls on either first or third person, personally. But keep in mind I'm NOT a judge so if you end up doing something better to can brag it up to me lots and lots.