While I appreciate effort you put into this game and general idea of making game with OP for android/HTML5, I must say this game is poor man's Missile Command version. It is fun to play around for few minutes but that's it. Some ideas to make it better for second version (and possibly make it mobile hit):

- Make it a cross between Asteroids and Missile command (Asteroid Command?). I.e. asteroids would split up into smaller ones, just like in original game of Asteroids, but you can't move your ship and has to deal with them Missile Command way
- Add (on later levels, when you're sure players are accustomed with controls) standard Missile Command stuff (ships that shoots missiles, missiles that splits up, etc.).
- Add bosses. In every 10 levels or so, there would be boss level. Boss would shoot asteroids or missiles, sometime both. You'll need to destroy those, but also shoot at boss to defeat it (which would have health bar). You could also shoot at asteroid/missile cannons so boss can shoot less or no amount of them.