Kinda reviving this thread here, but I've spent some serious time browsing through the PGDCE sources over the last couple of days and man, it sure seems like it's basically just Cast Engine 3.0. Was there any particular reason why George/Mirage had such a relatively "heavier" influence on the engine than everyone else? It's not a bad codebase overall at all, though. Certainly could be continued/improved upon/picked up from where it was left off pretty easily, I'd say. One thing I would definitely do immediately (if it was up to me) is completely scrap all use of that nightmarish fake-generics "template" library. Talk about include-file hell! There is no logical reason for anyone to be using anything other than Generics.Collections for their container classes these days, whether on Delphi or FPC/Lazarus. (The FPC version is actually better, BTW.)