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  1. What about "LEAF 2" game engine? (0 replies)
  2. a text parser (26 replies)
  3. sfrx - sound generator (7 replies)
  4. pack files (13 replies)
  5. Position Problems (9 replies)
  6. Moving a viewport by dragging the mouse. (2 replies)
  7. synchronizing game mechanics online (13 replies)
  8. File attributes (6 replies)
  9. Problems with a chunk-based file (24 replies)
  10. Unfuddle hosting site (0 replies)
  11. 8086 emulator in pascal (0 replies)
  12. Casting an object to an interface (4 replies)
  13. screenshots (6 replies)
  14. Google translation via Delphi code :) (3 replies)
  15. Record BlockWrite problems (7 replies)
  16. Need some help with map editor (drawing cursor rects). (5 replies)
  17. Programming a 2D RPG Engine of sorts. (4 replies)
  18. Implementing abstract drawing surface and abstract picture (2 replies)
  19. secure way to upload files to webserver (5 replies)
  20. Delphi Game Programming (5 replies)
  21. Some OpenGL functions do not load proprerly. (3 replies)
  22. My own archive format (39 replies)
  23. How to implement a "record" & "replay&quo (3 replies)
  24. Ideas needed to 2d sprite z-ordering sort (4 replies)
  25. The screen resolution problem (7 replies)
  26. Problems with dynamic linking (3 replies)
  27. How to force the vsync with delphi? (8 replies)
  28. using .obj in delphi (6 replies)
  29. Constructor casting (12 replies)
  30. Delphi 3D Offline? (6 replies)
  31. Local variable with asm (7 replies)
  32. YAML for FPC/Delphi? (2 replies)
  33. asm output (3 replies)
  34. [try try ... finally ... end; except ... end;] (2 replies)
  35. SSE2 tutorials (11 replies)
  36. About TClassList (2 replies)
  37. "absolute" and "register" keywords? (15 replies)
  38. Removing old data from a stringlist (4 replies)
  39. Shared code snippets! (19 replies)
  40. Treeview custom draw (0 replies)
  41. Any ideas for optimization of tree operation? (0 replies)
  42. Developing a algorithm to sort 2D arrays (0 replies)
  43. Linking a procedure to an object for remote execution (23 replies)
  44. Workaround for multidimensional arrays? (Pascal Script) (4 replies)
  45. Logging class (5 replies)
  46. Randomize problem (4 replies)
  47. Freeing items form dyn. array before deleting (18 replies)
  48. freepascal/Delphi thread-safe queue? (9 replies)
  49. Addresing arrays and calculating coordinates (1 replies)
  50. RegisterHotKey( works, but how to register a multimedia key? (8 replies)
  51. Executing commandline commands (5 replies)
  52. Storing data inside .exe (7 replies)
  53. Crayon Physics Deluxe Wins IGF (0 replies)
  54. Crayon Physics Deluxe Wins IGF (0 replies)
  55. WinAPI WM_KEYDOWN how to detect Alt of left (8 replies)
  56. about string conts (a lot of then) (10 replies)
  57. QueryPerformanceCounter problem and questions (25 replies)
  58. MultiCore issues (18 replies)
  59. Benchmarks! FPC vs Delphi vs C++ (13 replies)
  60. Detect an misterious acess violation [SOLVED] (11 replies)
  61. Any generic type information mechanism for Delphi and FPC?? (4 replies)
  62. TEdit and maxLength problem (9 replies)
  63. access violation, tobject (17 replies)
  64. Variant parts record problem (8 replies)
  65. Non-breaking threads? (1 replies)
  66. What does "Force DWORD" mean? (7 replies)
  67. WideString -> AnsiString -> WideString in Delphi/FPC? (1 replies)
  68. Java to Pascal translator? (6 replies)
  69. Hello and I have some questions. (5 replies)
  70. Multicore (3 replies)
  71. Multi-core/Multithreading your engine... (27 replies)
  72. External procedure in Delphi! (0 replies)
  73. Delphi network help! (1 replies)
  74. Execute program from Windows Temp folder? (3 replies)
  75. Cross Platform Shell Scripts... (0 replies)
  76. use json with delphi? (3 replies)
  77. FPC and Delphi interfaces (1 replies)
  78. SDL Runtimes ... or letting my friends play my game (7 replies)
  79. Assembler with Delphi - a few questions (17 replies)
  80. Removing data from a pointer (5 replies)
  81. TMemo with images...? (4 replies)
  82. Snapping pieces of "track" together (11 replies)
  83. Creative crisis, need advice. (3 replies)
  84. Change and read video settings using winapi? (2 replies)
  85. Automatic posts creation on web forum. (13 replies)
  86. C to Delphi [OFF] (6 replies)
  87. Anyone recommend some screen capture software? (3 replies)
  88. Default return value for functions (6 replies)
  89. Reference between different units (4 replies)
  90. Setting a whole bool-array to FALSE (6 replies)
  91. Help needed with sprite class design (7 replies)
  92. Byte-by-byte allocated data manipulation (35 replies)
  93. Event processing (in a game) (5 replies)
  94. Current thread checking (7 replies)
  95. My own class procedure problem (3 replies)
  96. Disabling VSync on Linux (10 replies)
  97. C++ function to Pascal problem... (9 replies)
  98. Crimsonland clone, 2d or 3d, topdown (0 replies)
  99. Composer available - Levan I. (0 replies)
  100. Premature optimization time: Cross product (9 replies)
  101. ARToolKit from C to Pascal (10 replies)
  102. Pixel Collision detection in SDL+OpenGL (4 replies)
  103. Any problems not using GLUT events? (0 replies)
  104. Fully reading keyboard and mouse in GLUT and FPC (3 replies)
  105. Output units and .exe to different folders with Lazarus (1 replies)
  106. Compiling from Windows to Darwing in Lazarus (6 replies)
  107. {$IFDEF Win32}, {$IFDEF CLR}, and what for multiplatform? (4 replies)
  108. Delphi libs can be used in C++ ? (31 replies)
  109. 2d using opengl? (7 replies)
  110. running an outside program regardless of error.... (0 replies)
  111. RANDOM isn't so random. (18 replies)
  112. Delphi IDE+Debugger with Freepascal compiler? (2 replies)
  113. Extended precision conversion (6 replies)
  114. Some doubts in pascal language.. (9 replies)
  115. Switch Manager (2 replies)
  116. Problem storing method types as longwords (5 replies)
  117. [?]How draw something every 5sec and keep it drawn for 2sec (2 replies)
  118. 3D Calculations (5 replies)
  119. Error handling considerations (14 replies)
  120. C conversion problem (6 replies)
  121. Problems w/ D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX (7 replies)
  122. Looking for a "Best Fit" 3D game enigine. (20 replies)
  123. How to get a string from a buffer (4 replies)
  124. WCT (Wait chain traversal) (4 replies)
  125. [DLLs] modules, static and dynamic linking (6 replies)
  126. About sprite movement, questions and solutions. (11 replies)
  127. SetLength() out of memory :( (11 replies)
  128. SDL GL vs. dglOpenGL (9 replies)
  129. Lua Scripting... (12 replies)
  130. Delphi breakpoint bug? (10 replies)
  131. script in pascal ? (14 replies)
  132. Advantages of learning Pascal? (27 replies)
  133. 3D Math (3 replies)
  134. Engine DirectX 8.1 (5 replies)
  135. Getting the videocard (1 replies)
  136. Parameter explicit typecast to implicit (7 replies)
  137. Faster than Quicksort for strings? (8 replies)
  138. Initial setup screen (2 replies)
  139. Making a Package for the game? [sounds,graphics] (30 replies)
  140. OCR and FreePascal (1 replies)
  141. Is this legal? (14 replies)
  142. ANGEL code library for BBS doors (8 replies)
  143. Case Statements Vs. If Then Statements (6 replies)
  144. Installation Program - Full Install or Install Loader (5 replies)
  145. Is this 3x3 matrix multiply function right? (2 replies)
  146. How can i know when is complete? (6 replies)
  147. Adding an Icon and Application Information (10 replies)
  148. Is there an InstallShield analog for Linux? (4 replies)
  149. Bulk loading of records from a stream. (Chunk VS for-loop) (5 replies)
  150. Pascal projects on Ohloh (2 replies)
  151. Hashing algorithm for shareware key generation/validation (4 replies)
  152. What Pascal game dev is lacking or... (11 replies)
  153. Random level generation. (4 replies)
  154. data format incompatibilities (FPC vs Delphi) (13 replies)
  155. My Pong (16 replies)
  156. How necessary are math knowledge and habit... (7 replies)
  157. Were to start? (16 replies)
  158. About NVidia SDK (3 replies)
  159. Exponents using variants ... and death thereby. (1 replies)
  160. Ideas to create an event broadcasting class (5 replies)
  161. Delphifeeds.com looking for game development blogs... (3 replies)
  162. copying values between objects. (13 replies)
  163. Naming - Creating objects. (17 replies)
  164. Pascal OOP Tutorials (7 replies)
  165. Pokemon (3 replies)
  166. Binary comparison of records? (9 replies)
  167. Converting DirectX 9 Errorcode to string (1 replies)
  168. Problems when using Callbacks (7 replies)
  169. Exception mayhem. Beware of DLLs. (13 replies)
  170. unit to detect if your Windows program is running in Wine (11 replies)
  171. Threads.. (24 replies)
  172. Delphi or FreePascal? (40 replies)
  173. snapping sprite to tilemap (11 replies)
  174. destroy and data erasing (20 replies)
  175. Can't install new components (5 replies)
  176. DLL PageControl redrawing (2 replies)
  177. Vertex buffers & DLL's (2 replies)
  178. DirectX debugging (5 replies)
  179. Indenter Program (4 replies)
  180. FPS 0.6.4 & GraphiX (4 replies)
  181. Selecting Randomly from an Array [FPC, Pascal] (4 replies)
  182. Need help to find a MessageBox() replacemend for *nix (2 replies)
  183. Case (Speed) of (13 replies)
  184. Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix) (8 replies)
  185. Streams (1 replies)
  186. CD-ROM unit problems (3 replies)
  187. Remainder (8 replies)
  188. gluProject issues (10 replies)
  189. DirectX *.X file parser (3 replies)
  190. Why does this not work? (5 replies)
  191. ASM (assembler) (2 replies)
  192. Impossible... (24 replies)
  193. jdarling's Game Design Document (5 replies)
  194. [Solved] Detect placeholder characters (1 replies)
  195. Use of SHR with signed integers (4 replies)
  196. How do you translate from C++ to Pascal ? (15 replies)
  197. Computer and Video Game Genres (1 replies)
  198. (OnKeyPress) Is arrow key pressed? (9 replies)
  199. Special Video Dll? (6 replies)
  200. Trying to pass my own filepath in order to load a dll. (7 replies)
  201. Ray picking (8 replies)
  202. "is" versus "<> nil" on speed? (30 replies)
  203. Deactivate Screensaver/Power States while game is running (17 replies)
  204. Delphi-like free pascal? (4 replies)
  205. Classes vs Dll's (5 replies)
  206. Searching Question. (5 replies)
  207. Basic Game FrameWork or Theory. (10 replies)
  208. What? Delphi...? (16 replies)
  209. fps weapon (1 replies)
  210. ODE and contrib (0 replies)
  211. interpolating a point on a heightmap (8 replies)
  212. Get Matrix rotations... (6 replies)
  213. Terrain optimizations (11 replies)
  214. Camera shake (8 replies)
  215. Web Game Builder (4 replies)
  216. Collision detection in 3D for obstacles, sword fighting... (24 replies)
  217. Semi-singleton in Delphi? (7 replies)
  219. Attaching DLL to EXE in Delphi? (3 replies)
  220. Type Library - MS Speech API 5.0 (12 replies)
  221. Cursor disable (6 replies)
  222. IO Error. (8 replies)
  223. Fastest multiplication (case pointer, in Delphi 7) (2 replies)
  224. Timer in DLL (3 replies)
  225. Saving a game in the user's home directory. (9 replies)
  226. unique way of scripting a game (5 replies)
  227. Security and Encryption for Commercial Game (3 replies)
  228. Resource Library (0 replies)
  229. AntTweakBar for Delphi (1 replies)
  230. Speeders (3 replies)
  231. Velocity based on angles (19 replies)
  232. MySQL (4 replies)
  233. Ageia physics for delphi (5 replies)
  234. PNG -> RES (7 replies)
  235. MyExceptionHandler (1 replies)
  236. implementing a callback mechanism (13 replies)
  237. Tutorial and some questions (15 replies)
  238. Lemmings Remake (31 replies)
  239. I'm getting excited about Turbo Explorer (15 replies)
  240. An unique OOP question (10 replies)
  241. 3D collision detection (7 replies)
  242. Elliptic Collision Detection? (6 replies)
  243. Enable Opengl on MDI childs (0 replies)
  244. OOP wrapper for Win32 API... (2 replies)
  245. How to implement a console (3 replies)
  246. TurboExplorer (50 replies)
  247. ASM IDE Suggestions (1 replies)
  248. How to write from Pascal's buffer? (8 replies)
  249. Aborting the loading of a jpeg? (6 replies)
  250. String Physics (3 replies)