View Full Version : General
- Can't install new components
- destroy and data erasing
- snapping sprite to tilemap
- Delphi or FreePascal?
- Threads..
- unit to detect if your Windows program is running in Wine
- Exception mayhem. Beware of DLLs.
- Problems when using Callbacks
- Converting DirectX 9 Errorcode to string
- Binary comparison of records?
- Pokemon
- Pascal OOP Tutorials
- Naming - Creating objects.
- copying values between objects.
- looking for game development blogs...
- Ideas to create an event broadcasting class
- Exponents using variants ... and death thereby.
- About NVidia SDK
- Were to start?
- How necessary are math knowledge and habit...
- My Pong
- data format incompatibilities (FPC vs Delphi)
- Random level generation.
- What Pascal game dev is lacking or...
- Hashing algorithm for shareware key generation/validation
- Pascal projects on Ohloh
- Bulk loading of records from a stream. (Chunk VS for-loop)
- Is there an InstallShield analog for Linux?
- Adding an Icon and Application Information
- How can i know when is complete?
- Is this 3x3 matrix multiply function right?
- Installation Program - Full Install or Install Loader
- Case Statements Vs. If Then Statements
- ANGEL code library for BBS doors
- Is this legal?
- OCR and FreePascal
- Making a Package for the game? [sounds,graphics]
- Initial setup screen
- Faster than Quicksort for strings?
- Parameter explicit typecast to implicit
- Getting the videocard
- Engine DirectX 8.1
- 3D Math
- Advantages of learning Pascal?
- script in pascal ?
- Delphi breakpoint bug?
- Lua Scripting...
- SDL GL vs. dglOpenGL
- SetLength() out of memory :(
- About sprite movement, questions and solutions.
- [DLLs] modules, static and dynamic linking
- WCT (Wait chain traversal)
- How to get a string from a buffer
- Looking for a "Best Fit" 3D game enigine.
- Problems w/ D3DXLoadMeshHierarchyFromX
- C conversion problem
- Error handling considerations
- 3D Calculations
- [?]How draw something every 5sec and keep it drawn for 2sec
- Problem storing method types as longwords
- Switch Manager
- Some doubts in pascal language..
- Extended precision conversion
- Delphi IDE+Debugger with Freepascal compiler?
- RANDOM isn't so random.
- running an outside program regardless of error....
- 2d using opengl?
- Delphi libs can be used in C++ ?
- {$IFDEF Win32}, {$IFDEF CLR}, and what for multiplatform?
- Compiling from Windows to Darwing in Lazarus
- Output units and .exe to different folders with Lazarus
- Fully reading keyboard and mouse in GLUT and FPC
- Any problems not using GLUT events?
- Pixel Collision detection in SDL+OpenGL
- ARToolKit from C to Pascal
- Premature optimization time: Cross product
- Composer available - Levan I.
- Crimsonland clone, 2d or 3d, topdown
- C++ function to Pascal problem...
- Disabling VSync on Linux
- My own class procedure problem
- Current thread checking
- Event processing (in a game)
- Byte-by-byte allocated data manipulation
- Help needed with sprite class design
- Setting a whole bool-array to FALSE
- Reference between different units
- Default return value for functions
- Anyone recommend some screen capture software?
- C to Delphi [OFF]
- Automatic posts creation on web forum.
- Change and read video settings using winapi?
- Creative crisis, need advice.
- Snapping pieces of "track" together
- TMemo with images...?
- Removing data from a pointer
- Assembler with Delphi - a few questions
- SDL Runtimes ... or letting my friends play my game
- FPC and Delphi interfaces
- use json with delphi?
- Cross Platform Shell Scripts...
- Execute program from Windows Temp folder?
- Delphi network help!
- External procedure in Delphi!
- Multi-core/Multithreading your engine...
- Multicore
- Hello and I have some questions.
- Java to Pascal translator?
- WideString -> AnsiString -> WideString in Delphi/FPC?
- What does "Force DWORD" mean?
- Non-breaking threads?
- Variant parts record problem
- access violation, tobject
- TEdit and maxLength problem
- Any generic type information mechanism for Delphi and FPC??
- Detect an misterious acess violation [SOLVED]
- Benchmarks! FPC vs Delphi vs C++
- MultiCore issues
- QueryPerformanceCounter problem and questions
- about string conts (a lot of then)
- WinAPI WM_KEYDOWN how to detect Alt of left
- Crayon Physics Deluxe Wins IGF
- Crayon Physics Deluxe Wins IGF
- Storing data inside .exe
- Executing commandline commands
- RegisterHotKey( works, but how to register a multimedia key?
- Addresing arrays and calculating coordinates
- freepascal/Delphi thread-safe queue?
- Freeing items form dyn. array before deleting
- Randomize problem
- Logging class
- Workaround for multidimensional arrays? (Pascal Script)
- Linking a procedure to an object for remote execution
- Developing a algorithm to sort 2D arrays
- Any ideas for optimization of tree operation?
- Treeview custom draw
- Shared code snippets!
- Removing old data from a stringlist
- "absolute" and "register" keywords?
- About TClassList
- SSE2 tutorials
- [try try ... finally ... end; except ... end;]
- asm output
- YAML for FPC/Delphi?
- Local variable with asm
- Delphi 3D Offline?
- Constructor casting
- using .obj in delphi
- How to force the vsync with delphi?
- Problems with dynamic linking
- The screen resolution problem
- Ideas needed to 2d sprite z-ordering sort
- How to implement a "record" & "replay&quo
- My own archive format
- Some OpenGL functions do not load proprerly.
- Delphi Game Programming
- secure way to upload files to webserver
- Implementing abstract drawing surface and abstract picture
- Programming a 2D RPG Engine of sorts.
- Need some help with map editor (drawing cursor rects).
- Record BlockWrite problems
- Google translation via Delphi code :)
- screenshots
- Casting an object to an interface
- 8086 emulator in pascal
- Unfuddle hosting site
- Problems with a chunk-based file
- File attributes
- synchronizing game mechanics online
- Moving a viewport by dragging the mouse.
- Position Problems
- pack files
- sfrx - sound generator
- a text parser
- What about "LEAF 2" game engine?
- pascal to java?
- Implenent a scripting engine tutorial :)
- Optimal Code [introduction]
- Optimal Code problem #1
- How to control (stop/play) snow...
- best ways of auto assing a id value to an object for a specific class?
- Full Screening A Form
- Elegant handling of windows messages
- load files in memory
- .pas filename obtaint via a const in the code?
- Frame based or timed based for smooth scrolling?
- game video application
- Deciding a scripting engine
- unit conversion (font pt to opengl units)
- cross-platform temp filename generator?
- how to Encrypt/Decrypt compressed streams?
- Pascal Gaming Books
- Ifdefs
- TLists (resolved)
- Undesired Constant String [NEW problem]
- RPG woes
- SDL Text
- does setTimer not work in FPC? -- nevermind, solved, kinda --
- Software versioning, what to use?
- Has this been done before? Pascal OS?
- Optimizing in Free Pascal.
- System exceptions in your dll: Defeated!
- Conway Game of Life and the QuadTree
- Best Library for Cross Platform 3D development?
- Firewall complains about my project requiring net access.
- question about vertex shader
- Custom variables in an object of an object.
- Project with Multiple Source files?
- Any basic OpenGL engine source?
- Coding for each others mutual benefit
- Uhh, little help please? rotation and physics...
- Library interfaces in pascal
- How to make a list of Method pointers?
- How to test the performance of your code?
- Pascal Tutorial
- c++ vector = ? delphi
- Simple math expression evaluator
- "class var" or "static" ?
- Convert C header to Pascal (to use dll in project)
- database problem
- SDL & 2d particles
- Tiled and xml
- Need SIMPLE file format that includes plain text + embedded commands?
- Python to Pascal code conversion questions
- Procedural v.s Object oriented programming?
- Using compiler hints for quick jumping
- What libraries (native or libs with headers) do you use for game development and why?
- FontStudio exporter TCharacterData question
- Gui editor
- Shoot- Help!-
- Linking against OpenAL on Linux
- Is the SIGSEGV error the same as an access violation?
- GPL Legality
- FPC Multi Unit Compilations
- Question about record getters.
- Dealing with paths in a cross-platform way.
- Ubuntu & FPC = Confused
- Physics engine v.s Scene graph
- Fast hash functions??
- Strange AV?
- Does pascal have reflection?
- How to check for a null object?
- Map or hash
- make files for pascal?
- Mutlithreading
- better error messages?
- cant find unit classes used by project1
- delete object on a list
- 'global variable'
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