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  1. tstringlist.count (3 replies)
  2. Getting started (10 replies)
  3. Is it necessary to call inherited Create/Destroy? (2 replies)
  4. Lightmapping rectangle faces... (2 replies)
  5. .ini-file loading algorithm (3 replies)
  6. memo vertical scroll bar color (2 replies)
  7. My program has gone crazy (5 replies)
  8. pc independent timer? (4 replies)
  9. Bitmap to ASCII art (6 replies)
  10. List index out of bounds (4 replies)
  11. Trunc vs Round(x - 4.9999999999) :) Speeding up my app. (5 replies)
  12. Programming for the Windows CE Platform? (7 replies)
  13. How to acheive weightlessness ??? (4 replies)
  14. Help with custom type (4 replies)
  15. Cinema 4D (2 replies)
  16. Video Card Drivers (13 replies)
  17. image wrap-round (4 replies)
  18. GUI libraries (12 replies)
  19. user defined mouse event handler wanted! (6 replies)
  20. Playing mp3 music from delphi 5 / delphiX HOW? (3 replies)
  21. Delphi work really better? (29 replies)
  22. Sprite speed and FPS (3 replies)
  23. Custom graphic to TImage (7 replies)
  24. Pause / resume and fonts (9 replies)
  25. TImage doesn't show (4 replies)
  26. Quick TSpeedButton Question... (2 replies)
  27. Limiting mouse movement to specific range (11 replies)
  28. DelphiX background manipulation (2 replies)
  29. Making a Win32 joystick driver... (2 replies)
  30. how to get rid of residual program in task bar ??? (4 replies)
  31. 3D State Engine (1 replies)
  32. 2D Animation Patterns (5 replies)
  33. Weird memory address question (3 replies)
  34. Timeline (8 replies)
  35. moving sprites (7 replies)
  36. Debugging and OS exceptions in external DLL's (5 replies)
  37. Extensions in OpenGL (8 replies)
  38. Preserving Font Changes in a Memo or RichEdit Control? (1 replies)
  39. Improving Delphi 6 code completion (0 replies)
  40. Secant Software : Game Contest (14 replies)
  41. Timing Issues using a loop and Indy TCPIP components (13 replies)
  42. Interface and game itself (2 replies)
  43. The latest snags in Snake. (4 replies)
  44. Arkanoid and paddles (6 replies)
  45. EInvalidPointer (8 replies)
  46. The sloppyness of FloatToStr! (8 replies)
  47. Quake Map Files (0 replies)
  48. Audiere sound library ? (0 replies)
  49. ShellExecute (4 replies)
  50. Physics of 2d Space (17 replies)
  51. A Dynamic Array of a Dynamic Array of Strings... (7 replies)
  52. Adding FindFirst/Next to TListView (3 replies)
  53. Better Input Control in Games (6 replies)
  54. Abstract Error with TStrings object (10 replies)
  55. AI-Junkie-Competition 2003: Emergent Behavior (18 replies)
  56. anti-aliased lines (4 replies)
  57. VCL bug fixes (0 replies)
  58. Brint to Front Problem (3 replies)
  59. Full Screen & Encoding Files. (2 replies)
  60. Detail lists (2 replies)
  61. Unlimited loops (7 replies)
  62. DirectX on Windows XP (5 replies)
  63. Delphi 7 Personal (3 replies)
  64. Tracking Players & Objects in a map (1 replies)
  65. Light and Fog Maps (3 replies)
  66. Connect to Paradox remotely (0 replies)
  67. Scripting! (9 replies)
  68. Internet high score list (4 replies)
  69. Delphi Game Programming Community (3 replies)
  70. Bitmap.monochrome (8 replies)
  71. RPG Class system (6 replies)
  72. Caching Tiles (3 replies)
  73. Handling Mouse Events (4 replies)
  74. C++Builder (2 replies)
  75. Mirroring an image... (3 replies)
  76. Need Source Code (1 replies)
  77. try... except (7 replies)
  78. Pointer to functions in a class (4 replies)
  79. File Compression / Decompression (5 replies)
  80. Resizing a bitmap... (4 replies)
  81. Using a public library/header set or making stuff yourself?? (1 replies)
  82. Need a little help with properties and classes. (3 replies)
  83. TCanvas (1 replies)
  84. Design Time or Run Time (2 replies)
  85. DirectX - How can I disable Alt+Tab / Crashes (10 replies)
  86. Threads? (3 replies)
  87. Ugh - Visual Basic "fun" (8 replies)
  88. Finding all files in a folder (3 replies)
  89. Loading Maps (10 replies)
  90. MD2 Files (1 replies)
  91. play midi file from memory, is it possible? (5 replies)
  92. DLL Component Problem (1 replies)
  93. Finishing a game (or anything else) + problem (10 replies)
  94. Better JPEG class (1 replies)
  95. Image data to bitmap?!? (10 replies)
  96. The best Delphi IDE hints and tips thread in the world! (7 replies)
  97. Win a copy of Mastering Delphi 7 (6 replies)
  98. ChartFX problem (0 replies)
  99. Questions (7 replies)
  100. Omega? (4 replies)
  101. Poker source for Delphi ??? (1 replies)
  102. What's a Functor, and where can I get one? (3 replies)
  103. Required to enhance intellectual obfuscation (1 replies)
  104. Free(ware) sounds and games grafix (4 replies)
  105. 10% change to get Dagger of the Mighty Traveler (7 replies)
  106. Loading a bitmap from a resource (3 replies)
  107. linking DLL's.. (4 replies)
  108. Default/Optional Parameters... (4 replies)
  109. Object/class? (2 replies)
  110. API (1 replies)
  111. Do you have a 3DS animation solution? (5 replies)
  112. Graph components (2 replies)
  113. String tokenization (6 replies)
  114. While loop question (3 replies)
  115. Viewing an application's memory space... (2 replies)
  116. SetLength (6 replies)
  117. 2d-platforms game (13 replies)
  118. Problem with ScreenToClient() (4 replies)
  119. Problems with personal message on forum (1 replies)
  120. Self Checking Checksum (3 replies)
  121. Help needed on drawing (filling) a rect!? (2 replies)
  122. Array of Objects (5 replies)
  123. Help with sprite please... (3 replies)
  124. Sockets and SendText .. problem.. (2 replies)
  125. No Memory Hacking? (2 replies)
  126. Finishing a game (10 replies)
  127. ASM (3 replies)
  128. Pointers :P (7 replies)
  129. Saving graphics to non-standard files (6 replies)
  130. Image loading libraries (non-VCL) (9 replies)
  131. Shuffle routine (4 replies)
  132. Enclosed moving ball (1 replies)
  133. DX or GDI? (11 replies)
  134. Delphi Editor upgrade/replacement? (4 replies)
  135. What is the best graphics component for 2D? (9 replies)
  136. Sound problem... (2 replies)
  137. comment-html in Delphi (2 replies)
  138. Code conversion help needed (inquire within). (10 replies)
  139. const parameters and the JEDI DX headers (2 replies)
  140. Cloud Techniques (1 replies)
  141. Compiling DLLs into an EXE (6 replies)
  142. Xbox or other consols ?? (10 replies)
  143. Controlling the speed of a game (6 replies)
  144. Annoying database problem (10 replies)
  145. Console Capture in Windows NT (0 replies)
  146. Retrieving Audio Track OffSet (1 replies)
  147. Disabling Delphi IDE debugging shortcut keys (5 replies)
  148. No Gl or Dx games (2 replies)
  149. IntraWeb Application dropping COM objects-Slightly of topic (1 replies)
  150. resource file support? (7 replies)
  151. does delphi require memory freeing? (6 replies)
  152. How would they know? (3 replies)
  153. TThread.OnTerminate with Window properties (4 replies)
  154. Which graphics engine to use? (11 replies)
  155. Windowed Gaming and Skins (4 replies)
  156. Good 3D Modellers for games? (4 replies)
  157. About memory usage... (18 replies)
  158. One-on-one fighting game (4 replies)
  159. Maps with a hexagonal grid (1 replies)
  160. How can I capture keyboard input... ? (11 replies)
  161. SDL vs DelphiX (4 replies)
  162. Casino Slot Machine (2 replies)
  163. JEDI-SDL : anyone using it... (4 replies)
  164. Locking a frame rate. (3 replies)
  165. Exporting classes from DLLs (7 replies)
  166. Morfit 3D (1 replies)
  167. _D3DFORMAT and object inspector??? (6 replies)
  168. Want a nice tight EXE? (10 replies)
  169. FastGraph... anyone ever use it? (1 replies)
  170. From scratch or component based? (17 replies)
  171. Eliminating Flicker (9 replies)
  172. DGC Components (24 replies)
  173. Project Omega Beta 04 is out! (1 replies)
  174. New to Delphi - Book recomendations. (7 replies)
  175. Like a midget at a urinal, I would have to be on my toes (23 replies)