View Full Version : Site News and Feedback

Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Member user name change?
  2. RSS for forums
  3. What is everyone working on? Break your silence!
  4. Staying logged in
  5. Tutorial Writing Competition
  6. PGD Mobile?
  7. PGD Competition Warm-up Challenge Anyone?
  8. Site is lagging?
  9. Site Status - Important - Please Read
  10. Main page not logged in
  11. What library/API will you use to make your PGD Challenge entry?
  12. vBulletin will use CKEditor in version 4.1.4. Thoughts?
  13. Blogging
  14. Site blacklisted?
  15. AJAX Chatbox for Pascal developers?
  16. Seeing Posts before the Publication Date
  17. What Pascal-based languages do you know?
  18. Students Come and Learn with us!
  19. DGL Project format
  20. Forum name change.
  21. What platforms do you own?
  22. Hosting Change, Help Cover PGD Server Fees!
  23. Is everybody ready for a new PGD Challenge?
  24. Site hacked?
  25. PGD: New site version!
  26. PGD: Registration done wrong... Let's fix it!
  27. What kind of social networks are you using?
  28. Server Move Updates...
  29. Increasing traffic on PGD...
  30. Need a Couple of New Staff Members! Volunteers?
  31. What kind of Video Tutorials would you like to see?
  32. malware detected
  33. jedi-sdl site?
  34. Google summary for PGD
  35. Not Dead, just resting: What would juice this community?
  36. Who is writing a game?
  37. Pascal Gamer First Podcast: What do you want to hear about?
  38. PGD Challenge in the Winter?
  39. Use PGD forums to support Allegro.pas
  40. Planet Object Pascal
  41. What tools are you currently using to makes games with these days? - 2013
  42. Chat?
  43. We should advertise some more
  44. Email test
  45. Remove minimum post length
  46. What's New? Activity Stream or New Forum Posts
  47. Revised 'Site News and Feedback' forum
  48. [Site Issue - Resolved] Site offline around 15:20 GMT
  49. PGD - Some thoughts about the future
  50. PGD Live Chat
  51. Questions for Jason
  52. [Site Issue - Resolved] Permissions and group membership are currently being modified
  53. Date format
  54. [Site Issue - Resolved] PGDCE Developer Group permissions are broken
  55. New Pascal Game Directory forum
  56. Site Rules and Infractions
  57. PGD on Twitter @pascalgamedev
  58. [Site Issue - Resolved] Notifications are not making a different sound
  59. IRC Channels
  60. [Site Issue - Resolved] Testing PGDBot RSS feed
  61. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 5.0.0 release
  62. New Members - Please read :-)
  63. New Forum - Castle Game Engine
  64. [Site Issue - Investigating] Site Load Times
  65. [Site Issue - New] Automatic moderation
  66. PGD Login Issues
  67. Account Details - Please Update
  68. [Site Issue - Maintenance] Advanced Warning - Downtime
  69. Can't search nor recover password on a computer with blocked Google
  70. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 5.1.1 release
  71. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 5.2.0 release
  72. [Publish Request - Done] Allegro.pas 4.4.5 release
  73. [Publish Request - Done] 10 Years Anniversary of www.FreePascal-meets-SDL.net
  74. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 6.0 released
  75. [Site Issue - Resolved] Database Error
  76. PGD Content - Request for your input
  77. PGD pwned in data breach
  78. [Site Issue - Resolved] PGD Database Dumped
  79. [Site Issue - Resolved] Site Move
  80. Site Move Completed
  81. Update to this forum section
  82. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 6.2 released
  83. 30 day password reset
  84. Style guide: all links have rotten away
  85. If you had it enough, just cycle between two passwords
  86. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 6.4 released
  87. [Site Issue - Resolved] PGD down?
  88. RECAPTCHA v1 API shutdown
  89. Updates from today
  90. Https:\\ enabled
  91. Moderation on the site
  92. A typo in Moderation Process Reminder
  93. New Place For Chat
  94. All user data and passwords are leaked, this site has been hacked in 2017
  95. Possible Performance Hit
  96. Large chunk of first time connection delay goes to "paypalobjects.com"
  97. [Publish Request - Done] Allegro.pas 5.2.β.1 released
  98. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine review by GamesFromScratch
  99. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.1 release
  100. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.2 release
  101. Site Migrated
  102. Banned Email Domains (Updated Your Account) and Site Update Plans
  103. Country wide IP bans are being implemented
  104. Unplanned Downtime
  105. [Publish Request - Done] Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.3 release