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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. DirectDraw object without DXDraw1 component (2 replies)
  2. Generating button on DelphiX (1 replies)
  3. DirectDraw filter (0 replies)
  4. A DXDraw question (3 replies)
  5. Alpha blended sprites? (8 replies)
  6. video cards (2 replies)
  7. What about .PNG images? (3 replies)
  8. About jpg (1 replies)
  9. reload DXG file (7 replies)
  10. Directplay (0 replies)
  11. UnDelphiX: Filling DXImageList at runtime (4 replies)
  12. Collisions Demo in DelphiX (8 replies)
  13. Desktop icons moving? (2 replies)
  14. TColor and dxDraw1.Surface.Fill (2 replies)
  15. DXInput1.mouse.y what does this function returns????? (9 replies)
  16. DelphiX screen flash when entering DX (3 replies)
  17. UnDelphiX & DelphiX? (2 replies)
  18. DelphiX and DirectX9 (1 replies)
  19. Joystick problem (1 replies)
  20. error handling with delphix (2 replies)
  21. DelphiX Collision Detection by pixel metod. (4 replies)
  22. The mouse.... (1 replies)
  23. Wave.LoadFromFile is being weird (1 replies)
  24. Weird framerate problem (5 replies)
  25. user text input with delphiX and DXDraw surface (3 replies)
  26. backbuffer (8 replies)
  27. BackBuffer (1 replies)
  28. dxdraw.flip - Which surface? (5 replies)
  29. mp3 playing during game (6 replies)
  30. UnDelphiX Questions... (11 replies)
  31. 2D collision map (2 replies)
  32. zoom (0 replies)
  33. Animation in 3D (2 replies)
  34. Fading an image (4 replies)
  35. FlipChildren (0 replies)
  36. DelphiX and DirectX 5 (2 replies)
  37. DoFlip option (1 replies)
  38. Flickering (5 replies)
  39. translation of the coordinate system (4 replies)
  40. Save modified DXImageList items (14 replies)
  41. Transormation Matrix (1 replies)
  42. Make it faster! Tilebased engine (7 replies)
  43. TDXImageList + GIF :shock: (3 replies)
  44. Jerky rotation animation with TImageSpriteEx (0 replies)
  45. One big image instead images list? (7 replies)
  46. Frame Rate Droppage (16 replies)
  47. Rotating bitmaps (7 replies)
  48. Drawing lines with DelphiX (11 replies)
  49. surface.stretchdraw (3 replies)
  50. DelphiX Pixelcheck bug corrected (0 replies)
  51. DelphiX on Windows XP (0 replies)
  52. DirectX on Windows XP (0 replies)
  53. Dual monitor with Delphix, anyone? (0 replies)
  54. A couple of DelphiX questions... (6 replies)
  55. TPictureCollectionItem.SystemMemory (8 replies)
  56. TSprite vs TSpriteEngine (0 replies)
  57. Gahh @ 3D (0 replies)
  58. 2 TDXImageLists (4 replies)
  59. Memory and graphics (0 replies)
  60. DXInput key up? (1 replies)
  61. TBackgroundSprite (4 replies)
  62. delphix no animation (3 replies)
  63. TDirectDrawSurface's... (2 replies)
  64. TDXImageList *.jpg Support? (2 replies)
  65. player port (4 replies)
  66. DelphiX and hardware property (3 replies)
  67. DelphiX and Windows GUI (4 replies)
  68. Player Drawing (14 replies)
  69. DelphiX Collision detection with animated sprites problem (3 replies)
  70. Another alphablending question (12 replies)
  71. Detect Click on Image (1 replies)
  72. Screen shots (3 replies)
  73. scaling of an image from an imagelist? (10 replies)
  74. any source for starfield in delphiX? (11 replies)
  75. lightning,colorize,scaling,static blocks,etc (5 replies)
  76. using bmp from file for a sprite-image... (1 replies)
  77. Particle system (4 replies)
  78. TDXWaveList (0 replies)
  79. TDirectDraw.OnMouseMove (2 replies)
  80. BitBLT VS ? (13 replies)
  81. DXGui (2 replies)
  82. Alpha + Mask (0 replies)
  83. Installing DelphiX on Delphi 7 (4 replies)