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  1. Clipper problems in UnDelphiX (3 replies)
  2. Using UndelphiX again. (5 replies)
  3. TDirectDrawSurface TextOut (2 replies)
  4. Pixelchecking in delphi X (2 replies)
  5. Updating a TDirectDrawSurface (5 replies)
  6. Displaying Video with DelphiX (0 replies)
  7. Displaying Video with DelphiX (0 replies)
  8. Beginner Advice / Platform Examples? (3 replies)
  9. Undelphix vs GLScene or Opengl for 2d Graphics (1 replies)
  10. (un)DelphiX with pure interface Delphi XE (3 replies)
  11. Help! Wordwrap in DelphiX? (13 replies)
  12. SXMedia library under (un)DelphiX (3 replies)
  13. DelphiX Questions (1 replies)
  14. (un)DelphiX with pure interface Delphi 2010 (1 replies)
  15. Memory in (Un)Delphix (7 replies)
  16. (un)DelphiX ported to Delphi 2010 (8 replies)
  17. IDirect3DDevice7 cannot be made (3 replies)
  18. Image change on collision not working (7 replies)
  19. transparent form region (1 replies)
  20. Overriding the DoDraw Procedure (2 replies)
  21. Shooting Bullets (8 replies)
  22. Are MP3's Possible in DelphiX? (6 replies)
  23. (un)DelphiX DrawAlpha No Work! (5 replies)
  24. Hardware Transparent blit problem - UnDelphiX (5 replies)
  25. Looking for unDelphix replacement (4 replies)
  26. Why does reloading the TDirectDrawSurface doesnt work? (4 replies)
  27. MirrorFlip confusion. (0 replies)
  28. DXdraw doflip option (0 replies)
  29. unDelphix & Vista (10 replies)
  30. TDXMusic: Change Volume of MIDIs (2 replies)
  31. Unvisible surfaces when alt-tabing.Help pls. (2 replies)
  32. (un)DelphiX and Delphi 4 users ? (5 replies)
  33. (un)DelphiX 1.0.8 released (8 replies)
  34. (un)DelphiX document for review (2 replies)
  35. DelphiX and autorepeat music (2 replies)
  36. (un)DelphiX and Delphi 3 users ? (1 replies)
  37. Vsync vs No vsync in relation to frame based movement (10 replies)
  38. Multiple Surfaces Does Not Work with Hardware Acceleration (11 replies)
  39. How to know when collisions are NOT taking place (5 replies)
  40. DXDraw.Options: do3D Problems (28 replies)
  41. Still stumped with EAccess Violation Error (UnDelphiX) (10 replies)
  42. Attacker running out of bombs DelphiX Starfighter Game (7 replies)
  43. vsync and fullscreen (5 replies)
  44. Access violation error in UnDelphiX (10 replies)
  45. Explain this to me (Delphix etc and timers).... (12 replies)
  46. Access Violation with sprite engine in 1.07 (9 replies)
  47. Editing the Image of a sprite (8 replies)
  48. How to kill last image of animation... (11 replies)
  49. TDXFont (3 replies)
  50. unDelphiX 1.07f released now (10 replies)
  51. How do you update a TDXImageList at runtime? (8 replies)
  52. Screen Saver and UndelphiX (22 replies)
  53. Sprites appear blurry (5 replies)
  54. sprite is not drawn (13 replies)
  55. Draw with mask (7 replies)
  56. Problem with sound buffer (2 replies)
  57. Palette hell (1 replies)
  58. Joystick buttons don't work? (7 replies)
  59. How to prevent game from switching to windows desktop??? (11 replies)
  60. DXinput - Implementing user definable controls (1 replies)
  61. DelphiX and Fonts (2 replies)
  62. Bad Transparency in delphix (11 replies)
  63. UnDelphiX and transparent colors (9 replies)
  64. UnDelphiX and mysterious decimals (2 replies)
  65. PatternSurfaces[0].Pixels[X,Y] MORE SLOW (22 replies)
  66. Serious Bug - Date handling with unDelphiX in hardware mode (10 replies)
  67. Problem with sprite engine. Not working right (16 replies)
  68. Graphics in Turbo delphi (8 replies)
  69. DelphiX and moving desktop icons (5 replies)
  70. Problem with DXInput (5 replies)
  71. DelphiX Question (7 replies)
  72. Screen fade in/out technique (10 replies)
  73. DelphiX and Windows Vista?! (21 replies)
  74. DelphiX -- Saving top scores (9 replies)
  75. Little question (i hope) DXMusic. (5 replies)
  76. Problem when overriding GetBoundsRect. (2 replies)
  77. Big oops....... (10 replies)
  78. SpriteEngine (Draw transparent). (6 replies)
  79. Alignment between two images. (8 replies)
  80. DirectPlay8 (1 replies)
  81. Another question YAY! (Sprite Engines Collision). (20 replies)
  82. Sprite movement and animation. (2 replies)
  83. have the hint property on a sprite (5 replies)
  84. Transparent Rectangle Overlay (and more). (8 replies)
  85. Text on center of the canvas (Left(X), not Top(Y)). (2 replies)
  86. Textout without text background (8 replies)
  87. Styles of font (2 replies)
  88. Player Shields how to do in delphix (10 replies)
  89. Image change on collision --- Need help please (8 replies)
  90. Image change on collision (3 replies)
  91. Need help with installing latest UnDelphiX in D7. (4 replies)
  92. detect joypad's (0 replies)
  93. Slow when drawing the Map into another surface (38 replies)
  94. Help, with colisions (9 replies)
  95. Pong (5 replies)
  96. DelphiX (starfighter game) (6 replies)
  97. Netplay Delphix connection issues (5 replies)
  98. How can i use *.dxg and *.dxw files. (3 replies)
  99. Strange problem with my game menu (6 replies)
  100. OnClick how ? (4 replies)
  101. Sprite flickering in 1.07b - solution found (33 replies)
  102. DelphiX with FRAPS (8 replies)
  103. Game Intro how ? (4 replies)
  104. DelphiX lessons (3 replies)
  105. FullScreen DXDraw (5 replies)
  106. Hardware Acceleration, No longer doing anything! (15 replies)
  107. Sending Images (0 replies)
  108. Different RGB's (6 replies)
  109. Drawing on a SpriteEngine image? (5 replies)
  110. unDelphiX replacement (15 replies)
  111. DrawAlpha Turns Things Green (8 replies)
  112. TDirectDrawSurfaces not working in hardware mode? (26 replies)
  113. Render Freeze - Please Help (27 replies)
  114. DXImagelist > LoadFromFile & SaveToFile (1 replies)
  115. DXDRAW options (61 replies)
  116. Problem switching to full screen mode (5 replies)
  117. Timer trouble. need your help people. Test time (13 replies)
  118. Problem with moving the window (2 replies)
  119. DelphiX reference/tutorial (6 replies)
  120. Bug when Resize form (3 replies)
  121. DELPHIX Problems. Need help with multiple problems (44 replies)
  122. DXGUI2 Beta 1 Released (0 replies)
  123. unDelphiX 1.07 released now (50 replies)
  124. Alpha draw not working (9 replies)
  125. can we introduce this to undelphix (4 replies)
  126. Am I in the right place? (2 replies)
  127. OT: directx guru seeking (1 replies)
  128. Problems with creating an Isometric Background Render (0 replies)
  129. Slowdown on certain videocards (20 replies)
  130. doStretch without blur? (3 replies)
  131. Need help with DrawAlpha (41 replies)
  132. DelphiX - .DDS + .X + .PNG Files (6 replies)
  133. unDelphiX 1.06 released now (3 replies)
  134. Creating a movie (10 replies)
  135. Changing RGB (6 replies)
  136. Font questions (1 replies)
  137. TDXImageListCompressed (10 replies)
  138. Small images are not rotated correctly. (2 replies)
  139. Game loop without using DXTImer. (4 replies)
  140. DelphiX & UnDelphiX History 101 (15 replies)
  141. Pixelcheck Collision Method Does Not Work (6 replies)
  142. Slow alpha blending with DelphiX (11 replies)
  143. Dynamic loading of TDXImageList (4 replies)
  144. Problem with joystick axes on delphiX (2 replies)
  145. Any function can do transform, rotate, scale All in one in (2 replies)
  146. Any DelphiX 2D 3D tutorial (1 replies)
  147. Modifing TBackgroundSprite (12 replies)
  148. Using multiple surfaces (23 replies)
  149. How to pick(resolve) under mouse laying sprite image ??? (1 replies)
  150. d3d retained mode (3 replies)
  151. How to uninstall delphix (1 replies)
  152. Sprite collision with 2 Sprite Engines in DelphiX (2 replies)
  153. DelphiX: Forcefeedback for rumblepad ? (0 replies)
  154. Using Dxinput effectively (2 replies)
  155. Delphix specific collisions (1 replies)
  156. Sprite engine in unDelphix (1 replies)
  157. TDirectDrawSurface and TDirectDrawPalette (4 replies)
  158. DXInput and DXSpriteEngine having some trouble. (2 replies)
  159. HW acceleration (un)DelphiX (38 replies)
  160. DrawRotate is slow (4 replies)
  161. Collision in Create() (2 replies)
  162. I need some help please (2 replies)
  163. Announce: My remake of robotron with DelphiX (18 replies)
  164. DDs from ImageList (4 replies)
  165. Sourcecode released (2 replies)
  166. gah.. dib palette (1 replies)
  167. Draw into 16 bit screen (0 replies)
  168. DelphiX: Tutorials. (0 replies)
  169. DelphiX docs (3 replies)
  170. undelphix, asphyre or xcess? (7 replies)
  171. Exploding sprites - turbopixels? (2 replies)
  172. DXPlay (1 replies)
  173. Collision detection problems (1 replies)
  174. Soft lines with canvas (4 replies)
  175. UnDelphiX or DelphiX? (5 replies)
  176. Delphix & refresh rates (5 replies)
  177. DXPlay Sendmessage problem (1 replies)
  178. Bitcount problem (0 replies)
  179. DelphiX and Shadows, alphablending (3 replies)
  180. Anyone know how to install undelphix? (2 replies)
  181. DXDRAW Options (0 replies)
  182. Help please. :) (9 replies)
  183. Understanding window processing. (2 replies)
  184. How store TDirectDrawSurface to TDIB ? (14 replies)
  185. Modifying a DXimagelist bitmap (13 replies)
  186. UnDelphiX and Delphi7 installation issue (2 replies)
  187. Parameters for SetRenderState ? (1 replies)
  188. DelphiX: TDIB as texture ? (0 replies)
  189. Framerate problems (12 replies)
  190. Unit DXRender using (4 replies)
  191. Force Feedback not working (0 replies)
  192. What the hell does "Use system memory" do???? (8 replies)
  193. Problem with delphix (3 replies)
  194. DelphiX is alive (12 replies)
  195. Solution? (11 replies)
  196. DX Fonts? (2 replies)
  197. Professional Opinion (7 replies)
  198. Delphix viability. (10 replies)
  199. ISO coordinates (9 replies)
  200. I know this is stupid (4 replies)
  201. Very strange problem... (3 replies)
  202. Flipping images is a nightmare! (6 replies)
  204. rotating animated timagesprite (4 replies)
  205. DXDRAW - images and shapes (2 replies)
  206. QuadrupleD (2 replies)
  207. WHere Sources. (2 replies)
  208. save a portion of a surface in a file (2 replies)
  209. How end wave-playing detect ? (4 replies)
  210. Spheroid in DelphiX ? (2 replies)
  211. Butons (5 replies)
  212. DelphiX 3d retained mode woes (0 replies)
  213. mouse sprite (2 replies)
  214. Sprite doubleshot (2 replies)
  215. who has DELPHIX for D6 help file? (0 replies)
  216. Mirroring a TDirectDrawSurface (0 replies)
  217. Font / GUI Problem (4 replies)
  218. DelphiX: All in one (5 replies)
  219. "do3D" option (3 replies)
  220. DelphiX and PowerDraw 1.4 (2 replies)
  221. WAV quality with DelphiX (0 replies)
  222. Scrolling "jerky" (17 replies)
  223. Rect image (5 replies)
  224. Saving my classes into Stream (1 replies)
  225. Isometric (15 replies)
  226. Playing .avi file (0 replies)
  227. dxdraw.surface.fill (4 replies)
  228. Positioning WAV's (1 replies)
  229. Offscreen with DelphiX (1 replies)
  230. Low Frame Rate. How to deal with this problem?!?!?!?!? (22 replies)
  231. DxDraw Surface and DXSpriteEngine (3 replies)
  232. Problems with Delphi 7 & DelphiX (7 replies)
  233. What is wrong with my collision detection? (1 replies)
  234. Sound Volume (2 replies)
  235. about delphix (1 replies)
  236. TImageSprite and rotation (3 replies)
  237. Creating sprites at runtime... (2 replies)
  238. I failed implementing sprites.. (2 replies)
  239. Help! Transparent texture (1 replies)
  240. Load materials/textures from .x files (0 replies)
  241. DelphiX really not very compatible nowadays... (6 replies)
  242. Help!? Classes, Sprites and files (17 replies)
  243. bigger image than dxdraw (2 replies)
  244. two timers at time (3 replies)
  245. Dxdraw strange effect (1 replies)
  246. Input and check box (2 replies)
  247. Displaying text using the canvas (2 replies)
  248. StretchDraw= Poor Quality, DrawAdd = Too Slow. (16 replies)
  249. DelphiX with D5 to UnDelphiX with D7 (8 replies)
  250. Dual Monitor Issues (3 replies)