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  1. save/load a dynamic array (3 replies)
  2. I need help setting up SDL (2 replies)
  3. I need some help with 2D drawing libraries (25 replies)
  4. More opengl and a sample :) (12 replies)
  5. need a good 2d library (4 replies)
  6. Export to vectorgraphics (GL2PS?) (2 replies)
  7. New to this (10 replies)
  8. how to read mulity keys hold? (8 replies)
  9. Using a file as raw memory (7 replies)
  10. Overriding Create event (5 replies)
  11. Need help accessing a FreePascal-created library (7 replies)
  12. Overriding Twice (4 replies)
  13. problem binding matrix from shader (3 replies)
  14. OpenGL 3.x cube problem (12 replies)
  15. delphi 2009 string vs opengl shader commands (4 replies)
  16. deferred shading with opengl / cpp conversion (6 replies)
  17. Access violations after removing DelphiX components (1 replies)
  18. my memory Stream class (1 replies)
  19. How to create my own 3D files. (6 replies)
  20. [SOLVED] SDL surfaces... (4 replies)
  21. Event handler won't assign!? (2 replies)
  22. Opengl debugging (6 replies)
  23. 16:9 display and aspect ratio (2 replies)
  24. need help to fill my texture (9 replies)
  25. Help Space Invaders Shooting (7 replies)
  26. TBitmap vs. CreateDIBsection (29 replies)
  27. Searching For Answers (0 replies)
  28. [Solved] Overriding a procedure (9 replies)
  29. Makefile (4 replies)
  30. [solved]How to copy files between folders (5 replies)
  31. [solved] convert floating point to integer (3 replies)
  32. Drag and Drop not working with Firefox (0 replies)
  33. Help with getting raw pixels from screen (lazarus) (2 replies)
  34. array of byte : how to compute its length (15 replies)
  35. d3dx9d_33.dll not found (5 replies)
  36. 2d Overhead + Newton (10 replies)
  37. Data files (13 replies)
  38. Discover SoundCard name (5 replies)
  39. Controlling all instances of a class (5 replies)
  40. Create OpenGL window on X11 (14 replies)
  41. Problems with JEDI-SDL (4 replies)
  42. Executing procedure by it address (12 replies)
  43. Getting GUID from an interface (6 replies)
  44. List Index Out Of Bounds (17 replies)
  45. How to use ShellExecute (3 replies)
  46. 'Screen recording' a running project. (6 replies)
  47. zooming to the mouse (5 replies)
  48. Mesh Matrix wth... (3 replies)
  49. Problem creating OpenGL3.0 context (2 replies)
  50. Making a platform game - few questions (41 replies)
  51. SDL - setting opacity (1 replies)
  52. Can't find unit libc (3 replies)
  53. Random name generation (3 replies)
  54. I can compile, but not repeatedly. (13 replies)
  55. recompiling in delphi2005pro (1 replies)
  56. classes vs access (5 replies)
  57. how to debug access violation? (4 replies)
  58. function returns an unitialized int64? (2 replies)
  59. copying into var buffer (2 replies)
  60. random noise in record? (15 replies)
  61. public property with rtti in delphi? (1 replies)
  62. Howto write a server that runs on linux with freepascal (12 replies)
  63. Procedural road generation ? (22 replies)
  64. Flickering Textures and Slow. (12 replies)
  65. Problem getting monitor information (5 replies)
  66. Problem with texturing - textures are mirrored (10 replies)
  67. Novice needs help with creating a game using pascal (1 replies)
  68. Lazarus TWinControl TImage (5 replies)
  69. Locking a VBO in OpenGL (12 replies)
  70. basic 3D games question? (9 replies)
  71. Very weird lighting problem (4 replies)
  72. Rendering frustum shape (5 replies)
  73. polygon clipping (csg) 2d (1 replies)
  74. Problems with records on delphi 7 (2 replies)
  75. performace analysis tools? (6 replies)
  76. OpenGL example code wanted - OpenGL with OObased Video/Imag (8 replies)
  77. Radial patterns in arrays (7 replies)
  78. Glu tesselate a star polygon shape? (2 replies)
  79. Use OpenGL from TThread with delphi2005? (5 replies)
  80. 3D Game with OpenGL (6 replies)
  81. I have a problem. (3 replies)
  82. Fade and TRect and windowed mode (12 replies)
  83. how to use .lib file with delphi? (4 replies)
  84. how to convert this struct to delphi? (4 replies)
  85. Creating a simple calculator with COCO/R and delphi (4 replies)
  86. Rage 3D Engine question (4 replies)
  87. Trouble translating c++ headers (2 replies)
  88. Indy 10 - problem with IdHTTP.Get method (3 replies)
  89. Light map generator (1 replies)
  90. Delphi SVN howto setup? (4 replies)
  91. IRC DCC Transfer (0 replies)
  92. Webcam support in delphi? (5 replies)
  93. Weird Acces violation when closing the application (3 replies)
  94. OpenGL Camera Class (2 replies)
  95. Texture coordinates for a torus (0 replies)
  96. Texture coordinates for a torus (2 replies)
  97. Realy weird OpenAL problem (4 replies)
  98. Wiimote control - write correct data to human input device (3 replies)
  99. GLScene Topdown example (2 replies)
  100. OpenGL Texture Manager (10 replies)
  101. strange exe size? (7 replies)
  102. Pointer to ARRAY in Delphi (18 replies)
  103. strtok in delphi (8 replies)
  104. Delphi and C++ (2 replies)
  105. Moving a cursor around a sphere (7 replies)
  106. RAD Delphi 2007 SDL lib problems (3 replies)
  107. [FPC] Bug in non-Extended floating types (5 replies)
  108. Showing message on screen for fixed time period (9 replies)
  109. Trading Card Game Help (4 replies)
  110. Adding BonusLives... (14 replies)
  111. ending processes (2 replies)
  112. Compressing/decompressing streams (5 replies)
  113. Assembly (17 replies)
  114. Crashing listening thread for TIdTCPClient (7 replies)
  115. Serious error: taskbar entry not shown!! (1 replies)
  116. Changing from fullscreen to window and vv (0 replies)
  117. OpenGL, DirectX, And Library Help (4 replies)
  118. Pascal Script (0 replies)
  119. Problem with transparent tiles (22 replies)
  120. Dynamic arrays in Dev-Pascal (5 replies)
  121. Terrain Editing - once again (14 replies)
  122. Basics of TEXTURE MAPPING (6 replies)
  123. Problems when switching BP7.0 real mode to protected mode (25 replies)
  124. Rendertarget not working in low resolution! [SOLVED] (4 replies)
  125. Crash before application code is executed (3 replies)
  126. GLLCLViewer - at GLViewer (0 replies)
  127. objects that are supposed to stand still are "sticky&am (2 replies)
  128. Linking problem with C++. (2 replies)
  129. [SOLVED] 2 procedures callind each other ... HOW ? (2 replies)
  130. Recording what user types, for chat (12 replies)
  131. Creating 2 LazyOpenGL boxes (4 replies)
  132. What's a SIGSEGV exception? (7 replies)
  133. Reading Texas Holdem Poker cards (2 replies)
  134. Memory size (2 replies)
  135. Catching an "impossible" stack overflow? (7 replies)
  136. Mouse Unit - Pausing program until input (2 replies)
  137. import/export bitmap in pascal (2 replies)
  138. C to Pascal conversion hq2x (24 replies)
  139. Mouse Units for FPC (6 replies)
  140. How to enable DX debug runtimes? (2 replies)
  141. BASS- High Memory/CPU Load (0 replies)
  142. The proper use of IF-ELSE (but especially begin-end; etc.) (5 replies)
  143. Spread code over multiple files (11 replies)
  144. BASS, Compile Issues (4 replies)
  145. Working with void/pointer types (4 replies)
  146. Counting down with dec() (2 replies)
  147. level loading (18 replies)
  148. Pointers to strings (5 replies)
  149. Trying to display a highscore file to the screen. (4 replies)
  150. Problem with Integer vs LongWord in Delphi and FPC (2 replies)
  151. Copy & Paste (6 replies)
  152. Playing Video (14 replies)
  153. use inherited abstract procedure with typecasting? (13 replies)
  154. ClrScr Without Flashing (4 replies)
  155. [D3D] non-zero reference count. what's the sollution?? (3 replies)
  156. Shaders: ConstantTable.SetConst dynamicly [SOLVED] (8 replies)
  157. Executing External Applications using Exec (3 replies)
  158. Editting Specific Line of File (4 replies)
  159. Program Closes After Procedure is Run [Solved Myself] (5 replies)
  160. use directx in delphi/fpc applications without helper dll? (5 replies)
  161. NEW -- Help Me! Forum Posting Rules -- Read before posting! (1 replies)
  162. Car Game Troubles (13 replies)
  163. Exiting Readln Statement... (3 replies)
  164. Image not loading correctly on different machines... DelphiX (0 replies)
  165. Searching directories for files (6 replies)
  166. 24h to 12h time and Hidden Window (4 replies)
  167. Linking *.lib files (2 replies)
  168. Portting A simple A.I. TicTacTo to Pascal (2 replies)
  169. S2DL Help {lazarus} [not solved... :@] (5 replies)
  170. Fps management (3 replies)
  171. Greeting to the community + my problem (PTCPas) (12 replies)
  172. Good 2D Pascal (FPC) Engine (5 replies)
  173. SVGA 16M (1 replies)
  174. Shortcuts in FPC (0 replies)
  175. Where do I start? (3 replies)
  176. need help with installing FPC (3 replies)
  177. OpenGL.pas? (18 replies)
  178. Halting a Procedure (1 replies)
  179. converting from c to pascal :-( (5 replies)
  180. GetPixel With Windows Libary (4 replies)
  181. Application/DLL Memory Issues (7 replies)
  182. Termination issue (0 replies)
  183. Instances... (5 replies)
  184. empire pascal game (13 replies)
  185. Waves (0 replies)
  186. Printing... (2 replies)
  187. How to move a list? (12 replies)
  188. TBASSPlayer Component. (3 replies)
  189. PNG in Delphi (8 replies)
  190. DevPascal Help (1 replies)
  191. CPU usage and general (5 replies)
  192. Counting down with delphix's timer.. (3 replies)
  193. datetostr, sounds simple.... (16 replies)
  194. Problem with Text... (3 replies)
  195. Getting started with LUA/pas2lua (41 replies)
  196. GLScene noob (0 replies)
  197. Simple to use 3D render pascal library (0 replies)
  198. Problem running Nehe (4 replies)
  199. memory question (6 replies)
  200. Delphi components and DelphX (3 replies)
  201. Serious light error on nVidia and AIT??!!! (6 replies)
  202. SDL Threads (8 replies)
  203. FPC 4 GBA/NDS Testing (2 replies)
  204. drawing sentered text?! (4 replies)
  205. opengl with linux (current state)? (2 replies)
  206. Undo (5 replies)
  207. Left side cannot be assigned to! (2 replies)
  208. Windows Api problem (4 replies)
  209. Memory Leak (4 replies)
  210. [C related] Structs, records, pointers... (16 replies)
  211. String searching (7 replies)
  212. DelphiX Game (Delphi 6) - Intro Screen (3 replies)
  213. filled concave polygons! (0 replies)
  214. Delphi 6, DelphiX Starfighter game (4 replies)
  215. Help me please :) (starfighter game with Delphi 6 + DelphiX) (14 replies)
  216. plz help me(opengl/fps game) (11 replies)
  217. Delphi internal error (7 replies)
  218. List in stead of a 2-D array? (16 replies)
  219. DelphiX question, help needed :-) (7 replies)
  220. Error Installing Turbo Delphi/C++ (23 replies)
  221. Need help with indy 10 (3 replies)
  222. Effects/buttons... (18 replies)
  223. Help making a render target transparent (1 replies)
  224. Help me translate this c code to pascal! (8 replies)
  225. Possible bug on Opengl template ? (3 replies)
  226. VFW (24 replies)
  227. need help on my MMO project! (0 replies)
  228. Can someone try to build the Lua demos in Linux? (9 replies)
  229. OpenGL application icon (5 replies)
  230. Media Player for delphi (7 replies)
  231. Bitmap Cursor in Win98 (1 replies)
  232. TDXPlay Advice (2 replies)
  233. object to xml howto? (1 replies)
  234. Scrolling background with TileStudio and DelphiX (0 replies)
  235. Need Urgent Help! (18 replies)
  236. Need Help... (0 replies)
  237. Noob asking a few questions (6 replies)
  238. Printing Question... (1 replies)
  239. Server Socket-Client Socket error...have no clue ..help! (9 replies)
  240. DateTime Formatting (5 replies)
  241. Process Management (12 replies)
  242. String Grid. Or some form of Data Grid. (4 replies)
  243. String Manipulation and Networking Questions. (17 replies)
  244. array type required (Jedi SDL and FPC) (7 replies)
  245. 3D Architectural Vizulisation.. (2 replies)
  246. Cannot Copy Image from one TImage to another (5 replies)
  247. Bitmap (3 replies)
  248. Problems getting a consistant movement rate (9 replies)
  249. Newton vehicle dynamics (0 replies)
  250. Exceptions on binary reads (8 replies)