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  1. [SOLVED] Bad image when rotating sprites in opengl (7 replies)
  2. How to configure OpenGL to highest possible quality? (5 replies)
  3. Making a GetIntermediatePixel() function (2 replies)
  4. I am looking for a spreadsheet graphic (not laz compenent) (0 replies)
  5. GLUT still runs when user closes window (25 replies)
  6. Select colors at run-time (2 replies)
  7. OpenGL state changes performance? (1 replies)
  8. OpenGL save matrix? (1 replies)
  9. Glut version of D3DXVec2TransformCoord() ? (2 replies)
  10. LookAt different in DX and OGL, why?? (5 replies)
  11. World transform (like DX) in OpenGL? (5 replies)
  12. glEnable(GL_BLEND); is really necessary? (4 replies)
  13. Cryptic AR (Animation Rig) program (0 replies)
  14. DirectX Sprite made with vertexbuffer how to rotate? (0 replies)
  15. Importance of Lighting... (0 replies)
  16. Orthagonal X with perspective Y in OpenGL? (6 replies)
  17. Rotate image around an arbitrary point in OpenGL? (2 replies)
  18. DirectX LostDevice ID3DXFont? (1 replies)
  19. DirectX 3D text cant change size (3 replies)
  20. OpenGL ES (12 replies)
  21. DirectX MaxFPS? (9 replies)
  22. D3DFVF_XYZRHW move worl? (1 replies)
  23. DirectX Orthogonal camera or vertex with D3DFVF_XYZRHW? (7 replies)
  24. How to define spheric texturing (3 replies)
  25. DirectX DrawPrimitive real image scale (9 replies)
  26. DirectX DrawPrimitive sprite move (2 replies)
  27. How to get the seams out of tiled zooming? (10 replies)
  28. Generating triangle strips (4 replies)
  29. Opengl with Dglopengl.pas (5 replies)
  30. Speed (textures, shaders and vertex buffers) (6 replies)
  31. lighting in OpenGL (3 replies)
  32. OpenGL optimizing with arrays (12 replies)
  33. OpengGL Vertex Buffer Objects (4 replies)
  34. iD Tech 5 and MegaTextures... (7 replies)
  35. Jedi-SDL / Recognizing Tiles (12 replies)
  36. Making decent clouds.... in Real-Time (4 replies)
  37. Questions about releasing your DirectX interfaces (5 replies)
  38. Opengl Textures and Memory (3 replies)
  39. 16 Colors? (5 replies)
  40. basic 2D (16 replies)
  41. [D3D] Effect file problems (4 replies)
  42. [?] How to make this kind of graphics (23 replies)
  43. ID3DXSprite is drawing too slow (5 replies)
  44. How to get a palette color (0 replies)
  45. OpenGl + Delphi (11 replies)
  46. Fontstudio for DirectX (0 replies)
  47. Too many 2d/3d Libs !!! (28 replies)
  48. How to achieve smooth movement (22 replies)
  49. New to Game Programming, Old Applicatoin Programmer (22 replies)
  50. Glow, Blur in 2d with no opengl or d3d ? possible ? (24 replies)
  51. 2D Top Down water effect (15 replies)
  52. Portable 3D engines (8 replies)
  53. FVF component order (2 replies)
  54. Large Texture files (11 replies)
  55. Still trying to create overlays (2 replies)
  56. Porting from Direct3D to OpenGL... (2 replies)
  57. Trying to create overlays with DirectX (2 replies)
  58. 3D formats (9 replies)
  59. Is a little compatibility too much to ask? (4 replies)
  60. OpenGL: Tweaking and performance (12 replies)
  61. GL Picking (6 replies)
  62. OpenGL: Look at matrix (7 replies)
  63. How can I create nice looking 2D glowing lines? (5 replies)
  64. [D3D] swapchains and displaymodes (2 replies)
  65. Direct3D 10 headers - compiler support (9 replies)
  66. Direct3D 10 header naming (3 replies)
  67. [D3D] effect files v.s FVF formats (5 replies)
  68. OpenGL Blur effect... (17 replies)
  69. OpenGL and Multisample (6 replies)
  70. compiling shaders (3 replies)
  71. Geometry Streaming ideas... (4 replies)
  72. opengl shadow volumes testy for pascal. (0 replies)
  73. Font Display List (6 replies)
  74. Graphics in FPC & Audio in FPC (6 replies)
  75. OpenGL Display Lists (8 replies)
  76. Fixed Function Pipeline questions (2 replies)
  77. OpenGL Texture problem... (3 replies)
  78. Triangle renderingin DX (0 replies)
  79. Problems with cursor position (2 replies)
  80. Vertex shader vsh (1 replies)
  81. ColorToRGB in 16 bits TColor (3 replies)
  82. GLSL / HLSL Lighting Models (8 replies)
  83. render order + alpha blending (5 replies)
  84. Simple portal renderer (2 replies)
  85. Direct3D Texture problem (7 replies)
  86. Strange gap in skybox (4 replies)
  87. Glow with OpenGL (4 replies)
  88. DirectDraw Hello World (4 replies)
  89. ZBuffer and matrix changes (10 replies)
  90. fog not working correctly. (4 replies)
  91. This is easiest way to make screenshoots of your game. (23 replies)
  92. Particle engine and billboarding (19 replies)
  93. SDL and Stencil Buffer (6 replies)
  94. Calculate Tangent and BiNormal for Normal Mapping (4 replies)
  95. Troubles with the mipmap chain (1 replies)
  96. Scale2x? (7 replies)
  97. Text with OpenGL (9 replies)
  98. Basic Questions (4 replies)
  99. Ideas on how to implement skinning system for my GUI (0 replies)
  100. Texture mapping artefacts. (2 replies)
  101. Drawing with OpenGL (12 replies)
  102. implementing a 'Circlevision' strip (5 replies)
  103. Multiple OpenGL rendering contexts (3 replies)
  104. Rendering damaged walls/objects (9 replies)
  105. Cannot load textures from memory (3 replies)
  106. Gif and DelphiX Graphics question... (6 replies)
  107. Pondering a Smoother Scroll (OpenGL) (26 replies)
  108. Lightmap artifacts (7 replies)
  109. Matrix questions (6 replies)
  110. GL texture rect copy? (4 replies)
  111. Playing with Fire... (11 replies)
  112. Texture + Bitmap + GDI drawing (5 replies)
  113. Why Save The Matrix? (5 replies)
  114. Real screen coordinates.. (10 replies)
  115. Implementing image into compiled binary in fpc (7 replies)
  116. font outlines for pascal (0 replies)
  117. How is a box defined?? (2 replies)
  118. Problem with D3DXMesh... Diffuse is not rendered (4 replies)
  119. GLU Tesselation problem (13 replies)
  120. Common problem: implementing a text editor area/box (3 replies)
  121. DirectX 9 to DirectX 7 (2 replies)
  122. [D3D] How to reset texture blending settings (2 replies)
  123. Graphical lighning (13 replies)
  124. Anti-lag (16 replies)
  125. Supporting both DirectX and Opengl (12 replies)
  126. How to set up a good skybox (8 replies)
  127. Video library-for any language. (11 replies)
  128. check OpenGl version ????? (11 replies)
  129. DirextX/OpenGL TImage. (3 replies)
  130. pixel resize algorythm inside! (0 replies)
  131. Smoke effect? (3 replies)
  132. Help with bug of lines jumping in the screen (2 replies)
  133. OpenGL specific Blending Functions (3 replies)
  134. Questions about spheres (13 replies)
  135. Reversing D3DXMatrixLookAtLH() (1 replies)
  136. DirectX10 hardware released (11 replies)
  137. Removing meshes by camera view and bounding box? (4 replies)
  138. [D3D] How about a render thread (4 replies)
  139. Vertex Transform vs SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD.. (13 replies)
  140. Dynamic 2D Shadows (6 replies)
  141. OpenGL: Determining size of a loaded texture (2 replies)
  142. GLScene in Dephi - Co-ordinates (2 replies)
  143. [D3D] DrawIndexedPrimitive problem (17 replies)
  144. Bleeeeeeender!!! (7 replies)
  145. Setting up DX GFX (2 replies)
  146. What on earth is RHW (2 replies)
  147. HDR without shaders - It can be done the lamers way (17 replies)
  148. Screen to Texture (10 replies)
  149. Video library (23 replies)
  150. Fire! (42 replies)
  151. HLSL question (4 replies)
  152. Shadow mapping (1 replies)
  153. Terrain Teturing (0 replies)
  154. Big graphics question! (7 replies)
  155. Mirrors (8 replies)
  156. Rendering transparancy (2 replies)
  157. Bitmap images (21 replies)
  158. New to Pascal, and wanting to create an old-school type RPG. (5 replies)
  159. 2D platform game; collision detection (5 replies)
  160. How can I get the current matrix in OpenGL ? (2 replies)
  161. Opengl and scalable vector graphics (svg) (6 replies)
  162. Anyone tried Google Sketchup? (5 replies)
  163. [OpenGL] - How do I change resolution? (8 replies)
  164. Multiplatform GUI engine for OpenGL (3 replies)
  165. Bitmap Rotation (4 replies)
  166. Help with SDL. (1 replies)
  167. transition between two texture opengl + delphi (1 replies)
  168. D3D alpha blending to a rendertarget surface (9 replies)
  169. Resizing window (1 replies)
  170. [D3D] smooth lightning (10 replies)
  171. Help with mouse cursor (11 replies)
  172. Font/Text (6 replies)
  173. [D3D] How to disable V-Sync (2 replies)
  174. Questions about VertexBuffers (5 replies)
  175. Video 101 (1 replies)
  176. Delphi: Video frames to bitmaps? (SXMedia install help!) (13 replies)
  177. [D3D] calculate video-memory-usage (2 replies)
  178. word wrap? no problem! [SRC | FREE] (15 replies)
  179. [D3D] Mixing 2d and 3d (4 replies)
  180. Load DDS into a surface (5 replies)
  181. [D3D] Converting TBitmap to Direct3dTexture8 (13 replies)
  182. 2D Skeletal Animation System Questions (and Source) (14 replies)
  183. Shaders and dynamic lighting in D3D... (2 replies)
  184. How to add alpha blending (6 replies)
  185. OpenGL: Texture coordinate generation for terrain (2 replies)
  186. OpenGL: DDS loader (0 replies)
  187. VGA IN PROTECTED MODE (9 replies)
  188. [D3D] problems with transparency... (13 replies)
  189. D3DFMT_A1R3G3B3 (color depth for texture) (7 replies)
  190. Refresh rate in OpenGL (1 replies)
  191. [D3D] 2D transformations (8 replies)
  192. OpenGL: Silly texturing problem (18 replies)
  193. 2D using OpenGL (42 replies)
  194. Video textures not returned (4 replies)
  195. [D3D] possibilities and techniques concerning 2d (11 replies)
  196. [D3D] Acces violation when game terminates (3 replies)
  197. Writing a game engine from the scratch (22 replies)
  198. DirectX .FX Files (0 replies)
  199. Animation: how do I do it? (5 replies)
  200. Random Dungeon Generation (4 replies)
  201. Rendering a Hint-Image in front of a planet (3 replies)
  202. Optimizing my X-Files (DirectX) (4 replies)
  203. Images into a single file. Packed. (11 replies)
  204. fxPascal (5 replies)
  205. (un)DelphiX and Texture Splatting (10 replies)
  206. Rendering to a texture.. (11 replies)
  207. Problems with frustum... (11 replies)
  208. 3D Engine or similar for DX9 and D3D (17 replies)
  209. Camera positioning.... (8 replies)
  210. OpenGL Extensions, More Hardware Info Please? (3 replies)
  211. Quaternions and DirectX (4 replies)
  212. Ineresting Opengl Problem (4 replies)
  213. December 2005 DirectX SDK - now with Direct3D10 preview !!! (7 replies)
  214. Level of Detail Calculation (12 replies)
  215. D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemory (5 replies)
  216. Hardware Features and Video Cards (3 replies)
  217. PixelprachtFX (8 replies)
  218. Particle images and Images for special FX (2D) (0 replies)
  219. Simple Opengl matrix question (19 replies)
  220. formulae for calculating X and Y (perhaps Z) for Smoke etc.? (4 replies)
  221. 3d vector opengl logo and multimonitor support (1 replies)
  222. OpenGL lightning effect... (5 replies)
  223. Question about vector and matrix operations speed (5 replies)
  224. Drawing fonts on surface (3 replies)
  225. Reading DX 9 Depth Buffer (?) (3 replies)
  226. Please help me find a bug (DX9 Direct3D) (11 replies)
  227. Scene Management (8 replies)
  228. Very very simple Shaders with Clootie? (10 replies)
  229. D3D9 fog problem (3 replies)
  230. Loading DX Textures in an imagelist - which is the fastest? (62 replies)
  231. Selecting vs. gluUnProject for getting poly/vertex (1 replies)
  232. Opengl Texture Management (9 replies)
  233. opengl and directx from another POV (3 replies)
  234. look! i don't need glu.dll anymore! (5 replies)
  235. Transparent textures (1 replies)
  236. Alternative Textureloader for OpenGL (2 replies)
  237. Call for Action: OpenGL & Vista (6 replies)
  238. Texture problem in OpenGL (13 replies)
  239. FBO not working [fix0red] (0 replies)
  240. Spot lights... (13 replies)
  241. Chase Camera Code (14 replies)
  242. Decal rendering (4 replies)
  243. Optimizing indexed vertex arrays (4 replies)
  244. A Simple OpenGL Framework - Your input required... (24 replies)
  245. changing viewport at each frame is bad ? (4 replies)
  246. Vertex arrays and display lists (9 replies)
  247. ANN:DirectX shader disassembler (0 replies)
  248. Light Flares (2 replies)
  249. Mouse wheel movements with GLUT (1 replies)
  250. ertexPointer, glNormalPointer and glTexCoordPointer (5 replies)