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  1. Render question (3 replies)
  2. RenderTarget lost... (7 replies)
  3. Lightmapping (1 replies)
  4. Matrix blending using weights (4 replies)
  5. Advice about fonts (9 replies)
  6. 3D to 2D wireframe (1 replies)
  7. gluUnproject (2 replies)
  8. Texture coord problem... (6 replies)
  9. Quad selection... (0 replies)
  10. MDX 9.0c - Problem with textures & Fonts on other comput (3 replies)
  11. Antialiasing fonts... (12 replies)
  12. Videorendering in Direct3d/OpenGL (1 replies)
  13. Frustum culling problem... (1 replies)
  14. Bug with JEDI-SDL and lighting (5 replies)
  15. 2D components that use 3D - Advice Please (5 replies)
  16. Textures and memory usage (4 replies)
  17. Make semi-transparent images (2 replies)
  18. crash with dxut gui (1 replies)
  19. Anti Aliased Images & Background / Transparent Colour (5 replies)
  20. Animated textures (7 replies)
  21. DirectX Matrix quiestion... (3 replies)
  22. Orthographic: clipping a region (2 replies)
  23. Converting a 3ds loader from dx9 to dx8 (0 replies)
  24. Question about Clooties DirectX units? *solved (kind of..)* (12 replies)
  25. GLSL (2 replies)
  26. Camera control in DirectX 9 - Need help (3 replies)
  27. Problem with DLL's and OpenGL (4 replies)
  28. look: half life 2 onscreen panels!! (4 replies)
  29. X Meshes (4 replies)
  30. DX GUI sample (6 replies)
  31. GLScene Crosshair (0 replies)
  32. Texture question.. (1 replies)
  33. DirectX surface to texture colorkeying problem? *solved* (0 replies)
  34. D3DXLoadSurfaceFromFile doesn't work? *solved* (0 replies)
  35. Why doesnt this work? OpenGL code... (3 replies)
  36. problem with directshow9 (2 replies)
  37. full screen intro image (7 replies)
  38. Newb Question - OpenGL (2 replies)
  39. I'm unAlphabetized ;) (11 replies)
  40. SDL_Image, Opengl Textures & Alpha (2 replies)
  41. DirectX 9, ALT-TAB and mode changes? (3 replies)
  42. ID3DXSprite.Ddraw() and SetTransform() questions? (1 replies)
  43. im killing delphi... (11 replies)
  44. Camera view math... (6 replies)
  45. Coloured Glow Effect on Object (1 replies)
  46. Best OpenGL headers (2 replies)
  47. Three beginner questions about D3D (4 replies)
  48. InvalidPointer Exception when Freeing ? (6 replies)
  49. DirectDraw.DrawText - Missing? (5 replies)
  50. Lookin' for some oldschool graphics... (1 replies)
  51. Half life 2 water FX (3 replies)
  52. DirectDraw strikes again! (0 replies)
  53. Dont update Zbuffer if Alphatest fails? (2 replies)
  54. Need Advice on what to use... (20 replies)
  55. The matrix :P (2 replies)
  56. Recommendations Required (4 replies)
  57. Some geometric problems :P (6 replies)
  58. Detecting if an object is in the view field (8 replies)
  59. DirectX frustration - texture movement is odd (5 replies)
  60. Newbie: Writing a TBITMAP to a surface (2 replies)
  61. More DirectDraw fun (0 replies)
  62. 3ds file problem (7 replies)
  63. A completely stupid DirectX question! (6 replies)
  64. The faster way (3 replies)
  65. DirectDraw framerate issue. (1 replies)
  66. d3d on a tpanel (4 replies)
  67. Canvas does not allow drawing error (3 replies)
  68. ~0 as stencilmask? (3 replies)
  69. Delphi DirectX 9.0 SDK Summer 2004 update (7 replies)
  70. stencil shadow volume (12 replies)
  71. Shaders, Depth testing and lighting problems (3 replies)
  72. FPS Locked at 60? And poor performance (8 replies)
  73. Evaluators.. (2 replies)
  74. Rotation point?! (3 replies)
  75. D3DXFill2D for Filling a cubemap ? (15 replies)
  76. Monitor refresh rate (2 replies)
  77. Shading problem - faster getpixel needed (5 replies)
  78. Creating some sort of sprite engine ... (3 replies)
  79. DirectX 9.0c / DirectX SDK Summer 2004 RC0 is out! (0 replies)
  80. non-zero reference count! why? (3 replies)
  81. distance bluring (2 replies)
  82. moving boxes in D3D (1 replies)
  83. DelphiX and lights in Immediate mode (2 replies)
  84. Direct3d lessons/tutorials (8 replies)
  85. Bacground tearing (2 replies)
  86. D3DVS_VERSION (1 replies)
  87. FreePascal & DirectX (6 replies)
  88. Noise texture generator (13 replies)
  89. What needs for Delphi 7? (3 replies)
  90. Vbo's (3 replies)
  91. 2 questions with DirectX (1 replies)
  92. Initializing OpenGL... (10 replies)
  93. Anyone converted DDUtil.BltAlpha? (4 replies)
  94. tile from image create map (6 replies)
  95. blending with a constant rgba value on low spec 3d cards? (1 replies)
  96. Latest Delphi for .NET managed DirectX 9 Demos. (0 replies)
  97. hiding colors (2 replies)
  98. Blitting - Colour Filters (3 replies)
  99. blitting problem from 8 bit off-screen to 32 bit primary (3 replies)
  100. UndelphiX on XP (3 replies)
  101. How can I get rid of "smoothed" DirectDraw blittin (1 replies)
  102. how to do a rotated mirror? (1 replies)
  103. Best OpenGL Wrappers (2 replies)
  104. Weird rendering of a mesh (3 replies)
  105. Creating D3DX Meshes in code (from scratch) (1 replies)
  106. Displaying from dynamic arrays (9 replies)
  107. sideways textures (2 replies)
  108. OpenGL & Kylix (2 replies)
  109. DX => GL (2 replies)
  110. Best way to use bitmapfonts? (3 replies)
  111. slow pbuffer speed (2 replies)
  112. Clootie Type Question (6 replies)
  113. 10 tons of questions (4 replies)
  114. Does current state get checked when switching states? (1 replies)
  115. OpenGL for 2d purposes... (10 replies)
  116. DirectShow Tutorial (7 replies)
  117. Holograms (14 replies)
  118. glColor4f and Multitexture problem... (2 replies)
  119. (800*600 and 16 bit) what is the code . (2 replies)
  120. OpenGL files ..? (1 replies)
  121. How can I escape from blur effect? (7 replies)
  122. problem with LoadMeshFromX and its error message (2 replies)
  123. www.GameTutorials.com Height map tutorial (8 replies)
  124. Using X Files. (1 replies)
  125. reading videotext from tvcard with delphi (5 replies)
  126. Another Day, Another Question. Frames Per Second (3 replies)
  127. ID3DXFont Problem? (0 replies)
  128. Fullscreen Without d3dApp Framework? (2 replies)
  129. DirectX 9.0 SDK Summer 2003 for Delphi is available NOW!!! (1 replies)
  130. image resizing, optimize (6 replies)
  131. Ok, newbie(ruffly translates as stupid) directx question (7 replies)
  132. DirectDraw Clipping Problem (1 replies)
  133. 3ds loader problems (5 replies)
  134. problem with ALPHA blending (1 replies)
  135. glCopyTexImage2D (4 replies)
  136. DirectX 9.0 SDK Update (Summer 2003) Coming Soon (5 replies)
  137. Application crash when Clooties DirectX Framework are in BPL (0 replies)
  138. DirectShow: Host App Example? (0 replies)
  139. How can I stop WM_PAINT for controls of a form? (3 replies)
  140. how to use idirect3dxinclude ? (1 replies)
  141. Modifying the pipeline.. (3 replies)
  142. Rotation ??? (5 replies)
  143. fullscreen without windows windows (4 replies)
  144. Shader language (1 replies)
  145. Near plane (2 replies)
  146. Direct3D and Alpha Masks, impossible? (10 replies)
  147. Render to desktop... help! (5 replies)
  148. Help - graphics (7 replies)
  149. How to Swap 2Images as fast as possible without imperfectio? (1 replies)
  150. blurred Sprites (1 replies)
  151. Viewports (2 replies)
  152. Sword Swoosh arc (1 replies)
  153. Parsing .x files : conversion problem ... (2 replies)
  154. DDUtil BltAlpha function (1 replies)
  155. Openg GL Animation (1 replies)
  156. How to test for collisions? (7 replies)
  157. Play movie with Direct3D (4 replies)
  158. TPicture to OpenGL Texture (2 replies)
  159. Bilinear Filter in Direct Draw? (1 replies)
  160. SubMesh -> Mesh (1 replies)
  161. D3DMaterials matching (2 replies)
  162. Detecting Video Memory Available (4 replies)
  163. Going to explode (1 replies)
  164. Direct3D pixel access (1 replies)
  165. Clootie's mesh hierarchy bug (0 replies)
  166. Forms in DirectX (12 replies)
  167. My journey into OpenGL (1 replies)
  168. I have some problems (2 replies)
  169. How can I fix this? (3 replies)
  170. Problem with managed textures and Reset() (1 replies)
  171. filling a IDIRECT3DTEXTURE9 without the d3dx9 library (8 replies)
  172. Good Direct3D books and tutorials (3 replies)
  173. Header _D3DXFRAME and _D3DXMESHCONTAINER (6 replies)
  174. SetDialogBoxMode and TForm (5 replies)
  175. Direct3D and isometric GFX (5 replies)
  176. DX components (4 replies)
  177. ClipVolume demo doesn't compile (1 replies)
  178. Performance of Samples (3 replies)
  179. Problem: CreateVertexBuffer (1 replies)
  180. Internal textures (17 replies)
  181. CG Shaders (4 replies)
  182. Interpolation (5 replies)
  183. Clootie's DX9 problem! (4 replies)
  184. Rendering to Form or Panel (3 replies)
  185. 1) Alpha Blending 2) Calculating pixel address offset 16bit (9 replies)
  186. How do you set the font for use with TextOut onto a surface? (5 replies)
  187. Getting Graphics.TBitmap's image memory (1 replies)
  188. Graphical Components (4 replies)
  189. Using standard controls in fullscreen mode (6 replies)
  190. Unloading Textures From Memory (4 replies)
  191. BSP Trees (12 replies)
  192. Delphi DirectX 9 headers and libraries (1 replies)
  193. Good quaternion (math) library (1 replies)
  194. Arrg, It was there before... (2 replies)
  195. Matrices (3 replies)
  196. Umm err is this right??? (3 replies)
  197. Projective Texturing (3 replies)
  198. glDrawPixels ?? (7 replies)
  199. SDL (14 replies)
  200. dynamic arrays of Vertices?!?!?! (3 replies)
  201. Model formats (12 replies)
  202. Using DirectDraw's gamma control (7 replies)