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  1. How to use CoreAudio (MacOS) (0 replies)
  2. Problems with Bass in 64 bits (0 replies)
  3. XM/IT/MOD playback library without FMOD's/Bass' license shenanigans (8 replies)
  4. Klystrack playback library? (0 replies)
  5. SunVox.pas (5 replies)
  6. BASS on linux (Laz/FPC) - App won't start (3 replies)
  7. Lowest latency audio out, and midi in under linux for FPC? (6 replies)
  8. Be careful with IDirectSoundBuffer.Lock (8 replies)
  9. S3M or MOD Pascal/Delphi player library with source code (no DLL/SO!)? (22 replies)
  10. What is easiest cross-platform way to play .ogg files with OpenAL (Win32/Linux/...)? (6 replies)
  11. Win/Linux/Mac OSX Sound API with no .DLL/.SO dependencies? (26 replies)
  12. bitBEAT music software (3 replies)
  13. How to mix waves (8 replies)
  14. v2m player (0 replies)
  15. Sound library comparison specs (5 replies)
  16. Sound - most compatible sound library (6 replies)
  17. OGG decoder (with bugs) (0 replies)
  18. OpenAL Wrapper from noeska.com (1 replies)
  19. Marjor sounds problem - any suggestions welcome (1 replies)
  20. MP3 encoder/decoder? (16 replies)
  21. [DirectSound][FreePascal 2.4.x]Playing OGG in separate threads (13 replies)
  22. Searching Sound component for Delphi 2010 supporting OGG and multiple speakers (9 replies)
  23. Special effects in openAL (2 replies)
  24. Flite TTS Question (3 replies)
  25. [OpenAL] Maximum distance at which sound can be heard (5 replies)
  26. looping only portion of wav with openal (using sound forge) (0 replies)
  27. Sound player (5 replies)
  28. tone generation in .WAV format using Pascal (23 replies)
  29. stereo to 2 mono channels, can it be done? (12 replies)
  30. Play a piece of a mp3 stream with mmsystem or directsound?? (53 replies)
  31. Loop music file (2 replies)
  32. [OpenAL] Weird problem with alSourceUnQueueBuffers (4 replies)
  33. [OpenAL] Some OGG questions (5 replies)
  34. [OpenAL] Signed Audio Samples (2 replies)
  35. [OpenAL] no sound decay over distance (4 replies)
  36. [OpenAL] alDeleteSources is way too slow! (6 replies)
  37. How to determine whether OpenAL is installed? (5 replies)
  38. [OpenAL] Multi- to Single Channel (3 replies)
  39. Using MikMod on GP2X (0 replies)
  40. Anyone familiar with SDL_mixer? (3 replies)
  41. Looking for a free playback library (13 replies)
  42. Using libmad to play mp3 files with freepascal? (7 replies)
  43. BASS- how to know when song is complete? (1 replies)
  44. Free Pascal Non-OOP sound (10 replies)
  45. Flexible sound system (3 replies)
  46. Squall / Squallsound (9 replies)
  47. OGG with SDL_mixer (5 replies)
  48. BASS (0 replies)
  49. bass.dll (4 replies)
  50. Delphi to capture all currently playing audio to a wav file? (5 replies)
  51. Multiple streams recording (2 replies)
  52. Digital Audio Processing, and "soundtracing"? (10 replies)
  53. Delphi Audio Library.. (32 replies)
  54. OpenAL priority "Intelligent Source Manager" (42 replies)
  55. FMOD Ex 4.04.18 Delphi/FPC/Lazarus units for dynamic loading (2 replies)
  56. Doppler's Effect (7 replies)
  57. openal (2 replies)
  58. Audiere & TMemorystream (3 replies)
  59. Problem with Audiere playing OGG - SetVolume (2 replies)
  60. Doom SND Files and DirectSound (1 replies)
  61. 2d Sound Manager (0 replies)
  62. Computer Music (7 replies)
  63. Midi Programming (5 replies)
  64. Setting EAX at runtime.. (0 replies)
  65. Did you guys know... (8 replies)
  66. Ogg problem (2 replies)
  67. Ogg with directPlay? (4 replies)
  68. auto releasing sound sources (2 replies)
  69. Playback options for network Data. (7 replies)
  70. FMOD to replace DelphiX audio (3 replies)
  71. Stupid questions (5 replies)
  72. crossover... (3 replies)
  73. fmod and freepascal (1 replies)
  74. FMOD and licensing (8 replies)
  75. Simple OpenAL Library (11 replies)
  76. text to speech (3 replies)
  77. Problems with IAMMultiMediaStream.AddMediaStream (0 replies)
  78. music (3 replies)
  79. MP3 Licensing (7 replies)
  80. multiple sounds (0 replies)
  81. Play raw audio data from allocated memory (0 replies)
  82. volume (2 replies)
  83. Latest Delphi for .NET managed DirectX 9 Demos. (0 replies)
  84. sound mixing (3 replies)
  85. DirectMusic (9 replies)
  86. convert sound from 8bit to 16bit (0 replies)
  87. writing a mod player for openal (0 replies)
  88. the differences between dx and al (5 replies)
  89. 10 tons of questions (1 replies)
  90. Play buffer simultaneously (5 replies)
  91. Pitch limit (1 replies)
  92. Syncrhonization help needed!! (1 replies)
  93. OpenAL Targets with Pascal (0 replies)
  94. help (2 replies)
  95. OpenAL Sites/Links (5 replies)
  96. Midi Files (4 replies)
  97. tutorial (2 replies)
  98. DirectSound from file? (2 replies)
  99. Anyone? (12 replies)