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View Full Version : Raytracer with source

27-04-2004, 03:55 PM
This is an ongoing project I have been working on in my free time for a few months. It has a full scene scripting language, anti aliasing and is easy to add new object types by deriving them from a base class. All the texturing in the picture was done with procedural textureing and layering. It supports reflection, refraction, shadows, texturemaping both image and procedural. it supports plane,box,sphere,cone and a few other primitives. It is by no means complete or bug free.

It was realy fun to make hope you enjoy it.



20-09-2005, 03:00 PM
You program crashes on non-english country settings. In e.g. Germany I'
ve 0,0 instead of 0.0 for numbers and . is used as thousands separator.

Please make sure the correct handling for , and . is used. It's frustrating to see 50 Exceptions upon starting you demo picture.

21-09-2005, 06:22 PM
The old Delphi separator feature, set it in Control Panel or add a line at the begining of the project specifying the separator :)

28-09-2005, 05:24 PM
Well, why don't you simply hardcode these settings if you insist in your program on using them? Could really save some trouble ;-)

Well, but I found some other problems while testing and some suggestions for improvement:

1. When closing the program using the X of the window while your program is rendering you program crashes with an AV.

2. If defining a object with a material not defined before your program crashes leaving the buttons disabled (missing Try Finally Block) requiring to restart the program to continue rendering

3. It would be nice to have a small wizard to define new materials and basic objects

4. Little window in the code window with non-reflection preview showing how it could like.

5. Zomm in\out function

6. Alphablending with high alpha values sometimes looks a bit pixelated if FsAA is not enabled.

That's for now. Great work anyway!