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View Full Version : My Non-Pascal Ludum Dare Entry

22-08-2011, 02:00 AM
Competition Page: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-21/?action=preview&uid=4668

Windows Download (http://pwna.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Crystal-Conduit.zip)

Source Code Download (http://pwna.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Crystal-Conduit-Source.zip)

If you haven't downloaded or haven't visited the competition page, here's the text:

Crystal Conduit

Ludum Dare 21 Entry (Aug 2011)

WASD or Arrow keys to move.
Avoid getting hit by stuff, collect the keys and find the exit.

The source code for this project is available. That code and
all graphics, music, and sound effects may be considered
in the public domain.

Created by Matt Shaffer

Made possible by the following free software:
GIMP - image editing
LMMS - music
SFXR - sounds
ENIGMA with LateralGM - game creation

Utilizes OpenGL and OpenAL

http://gimp.org, http://lmms.sf.net, http://drpetter.se
http://enigma-dev.org, http://lateralgm.org

A quick word on why this particular language:
ENIGMA (with LateralGM) is meant to be an open source clone of Game Maker. The main difference: GameMaker's scripting language is interpreted whereas ENIGMA translates your code into C++ (thus achieving massive speed boosts over GameMaker).

In the case above, the source code is a single file that contains all of the code and assets. You will need GameMaker 8 or ENIGMA with LateralGM to open and compile it.

The project founder and I decided using the engine in a live work environment would be a great way to see the strengths and weaknesses of the project's current status (and as I have an interest in the project, decided to help)

NOW onto more Pascal goodness:
Had to let go of the mini competition here mainly for pet related problems. I mentioned in one of the topics about some fish I was trying to keep dying, and one of our family dogs was also attacked the day before the deadline.

The game I was working on for this is somewhat playable, but it just wasn't quality yet. School also started up for me again shortly after, so I'll get around to polishing it up and releasing it. I'll probably start a topic in the projects section soon covering it.

I also have a couple of other things I'd like to get done, like a conversion of my "Isolated Empire" game (which was also a Ludum Dare entry) from Andorra2d to ZenGL.

So - not dead yet, just quite busy! Hope you enjoy this in the meantime. I think I saw a member or two from here in the IRC so hopefully other PGDers have finished :P