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View Full Version : Capture video from camcorders?

12-05-2004, 09:20 AM

Anybody who knows how to make a capture video from a DV Camcorder or such
device into Delphi? And how to control the device, eg. start/stop the device
from the app.?

It's because I'm trying to make a game like "EyeToy" on PS2!

So if anybody have any information on the subject and some source it would
be great!

I have found some components (TsCap32, TVideoCapture, etc.) but I have not
found anything that can control the device.

TVideoGrabber are able to handle the device controls, but it's not freeware
- so that's no good!

I know that DirectX (DirectShow - for video capture) is needed, so I think
this is the right place to ask for help, but it don't know where to look
for the device commands!

13-05-2004, 05:05 AM
Ask these type of questions at: http://www.progdigy.com/ forums.
- This is home of Delphi DirectShow headers / DirectShow DSPack components.