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View Full Version : Pixel colony

08-09-2011, 12:59 PM
Based on earlier started topic of cave flying technique: http://www.pascalgamedevelopment.com/showthread.php?10460-Cave-flying-technique

This is now about the actual game it's slowly becoming to. Much of the details you can read from the earlier thread but i'll keep you updated here with news.

So what's happened since last time:
- Pixel drawing now uses Vertexarrays. It's limited to 1000 pixels at the time so once the stack goes full or color changes, it draws it all and starts the stack from beginning again. It should be big performance improvement, even though it's currently limited in fps.
- Sand is added. It flows down through air or water, or diagonally down-right or down-left. For now it doesn't flow sideways in water, gonna fix that. The trick there is to actually switch places with particle created from solid water.
- Water and sand amounts are no longer limited by static array, but they are dynamic. Meaning that max particle count can grow up near unlimited in realtime, if needed.
- The game view used to be Ortho2D but it is now perspective. This lets me use 3D-models, ship rolling effects, explosions in 3 dimensions and stuff. This just isn't perfect yet... for example when i fly ship to right edge of map the ship goes outside camera view.

Current test map makes bunch of huge holes filled with mix of water and sand, but i have an idea for map generation:
- Use maybe 3 X and 3 Y random sine-waves to calculate land and air. Where sum of waves is > 0 or so, it counts as land. But also i'm sure that PNG images could be used as maps.

08-09-2011, 08:43 PM
Nice work :)

It will be interesting to see what sort of game this turns out to be...
