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View Full Version : Projective Texturing

17-11-2002, 09:54 AM
Hello everybody,

I'm currently trying to implement projective texturing to my engine. I've found some pretty cool documents on Nvidia's Developer Site, but: they are mostly for OpenGL (and which are for DirectX I don't understand). So does anyone know a tutorial (or a simple document) where this effect is explained (or does anyone have some sourcecode? :) ).

big thanks,

21-11-2002, 12:24 AM
Don't know if this helps, or if you've already seen it but there's a new tutorial here (http://realtimecg.gamedev-pt.net/tutorials.html). It's right down at the bottom of the page, the last one.

23-11-2002, 07:48 AM
I've already read it but it only explains the matrices (I already have them) but not the actual effect. It just says that you have to use vertex shaders...

But thanks anyway

07-01-2003, 12:41 PM
I'm currently working on a sample for my problem (I think I've figured out how it works). I will post the link for the sources and the binaries as soon as I've finished.
