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21-07-2004, 05:17 PM
I just received some good news.
I got accepted to study for a bachlor degree in "Games and multi-media programming" :D So I'm moving in two-three weeks, to the other side of the country. The only downside is, during the first semester I'll be using Java, and the rest, C++. So that means much less Delphi.. I'm so exited I can hardly wait :):)

Harry Hunt
21-07-2004, 05:30 PM
Congrats! Sounds like fun.

21-07-2004, 05:42 PM
You know - "the other side of country" sounds a little different if you live not in Norway, but like me in Russia :lol:

21-07-2004, 05:42 PM

21-07-2004, 07:14 PM
Studying what you're interested in might turn out not as great as you think, in my last semester I had computer graphics, at first it was funny but soon turned to scary, imagine a professor saying stuff, while maintaining a serious face, like: a monitor consists of: a CPU, framebuffer etc. If I had no knowledge of computers I could have learnt such things, but forcing to memorize what you know is nonsense is impossible. But maybe it's better in Norway.

21-07-2004, 08:03 PM
Thanks everyone :)

@Paulius: Yeah, I know what you mean.. last year, I studied electronics, and I had 5 hours of computer science a week as part of the course. It was really awfull, since it was basically just like you described. Questions such as "descibe the details of the internal RAM bus" where quite common. In addition, we where using VB, which isn't exactly my idea of fun, at least not when you're used to Delphi, or when the techer has no idea what he's talking about... But it was fun afterall, 'cause I ended up in a class of really cool people, and after a while, I could basically do whatever I wanted in computer science after doing a Pacman clone in VB the first week which seemed to impress the teacher considering the only thing we were going to learn all year was to init variables and very very basic stuff like that..

22-07-2004, 08:12 AM
Congrats and goodluck! ;) I wish they had a course like that here in the Netherlands! ;)

@Paulius: I know exactly what you mean, I studied Technical Informatics and I had teachers explaining stuff to me that was totally wrong or so badly outdated that there was nothing interesting about it anymore... Really sad cause the course could have been so interesting! ;)

22-07-2004, 04:26 PM
Yeah, you can run into weird teachers in Norway.. heheh, I ran into a Pascal teacher who knew less about it than me, and that was worrying for a private school where you'll have to pay alot of money.

What school have that course Mrwb?

Congrats and good luck :)

Clootie: Russia isn't that big :twisted: How much time do you need to travel from the east to the west by bus or train? ;)

22-07-2004, 05:03 PM
@Eriken: Takk. :) Linja tilbys av HA,gskolen i Hedmark, avdeling Rena. Ny linje i A¥r, og sA¥ vidt jeg vet, den fA,rste og eneste av sitt slag i Norge. :)

23-07-2004, 06:28 AM
concrats, mrwb !
good teachers are extremely rare.. :twisted:

04-08-2004, 01:20 PM
Computer Graphics doesn't always mean to learn stuff about hardware that you allready know:

I'm studying Multimedia Engineering in Bremen and we had a computer graphics course in the last semester which was very interesting. The prof new exactly what he was talking about and the topics were cutting edge! We had to code a couple of samples to pass the course (I'm still at the last one: Shadow Mapping via HLSL) in DirectX & C# and they were pretty cool: Radiosity, Subdivision-Surfaces, Shader-Stuff, (simple) Motion-Capturing, Flocking etc...

So, I'm really happy with my studys and I hope for you, Mrwb, that "Games and multi-media programming" is as cool as it sounds!


04-08-2004, 02:22 PM
Thanks lithander and holybyte :) I'm in the middle of the moving process right now, really stressfull... Semester starts in 12 days, so my time is starting to run out.. I just hope It'll be as much fun as it sounds ;)

05-08-2004, 01:13 AM
The only downside is, during the first semester I'll be using Java, and the rest, C++. So that means much less Delphi.. I'm so exited I can hardly wait :):)

Thats good news Mrwb! A delayed congrats on the course. It might help you out to get a copy of Borland's C++ Builder. If you have to work in C++ you might as well work in an enviroment that is appealing at least. ;) MS compilers suck the big one in this respect.

05-08-2004, 03:54 AM
Thats good news Mrwb! A delayed congrats on the course. It might help you out to get a copy of Borland's C++ Builder. If you have to work in C++ you might as well work in an enviroment that is appealing at least. ;) MS compilers suck the big one in this respect.

Thanks! :) I have both C++ Builder and Visual C++. C++ Builder is the best by far. I actually started out with that, then migrated to Delphi. :) Too bad the MS compiler is more or less the standard compiler, most examples/books out there uses it. I remember trying to get the DirectX SDK working in C++ Builder, now _that_ was a really painfull process. But it worked eventually..