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View Full Version : Forum's Syntax Highlighting

20-11-2002, 12:39 AM
Please post and vote for your favorite color combination, or post one of your own.
(I personally liked the grey backgrounds have have mocked up three variants)

1. Current:

2. Grey Backgroud with Darkened Foreground Colors:

3. Grey Backgroud with Different Highlight Colors:

4. Grey Backgroud with Blackened Standard Text:

* This poll will run two weeks from the posting date.

20-11-2002, 07:48 AM
I like the first style, since I think it gives a better oversight and it makes me remember the old C editor for dos (i.e. Turbo C++) which used about the same colours! :)

20-11-2002, 08:13 AM
Everyone also please note if you prefer italisized comments or not (since they will already be highlighted), I've found some hard to read in the various code sections around the forums and think non-italisized ones might work better.

20-11-2002, 11:55 AM
Also you can have bold for each highlighted item, or even glowing text!

20-11-2002, 12:00 PM
:D the first style works for me ....

20-11-2002, 01:51 PM
i would prefer a white background (or a lighter gray)

Useless Hacker
20-11-2002, 07:42 PM
By the way, Bluecat, your glowing text only works in Internet Explorer.

20-11-2002, 08:54 PM
By the way, Bluecat, your glowing text only works in Internet Explorer.

Well that's one reason to use MS software, if only I could think of another one :lol:

22-11-2002, 02:40 AM
Wow, this is really unsuspected... so no one has any trouble reading a huge code section like the last post in this thread (http://terraqueous.f2o.org/dgdev/viewtopic.php?t=93) with the current setup? I found myself getting head-aches because of the bright on dark scheme. But if that's what the majority wants, and it doesn't change by the end of the poll I guess well keep it. I can always copy and paste the code into Delphi if I really need to read any of it.

P.S. If you haven't voted please do, we have over 80 forum members but only 12 votes...

Useless Hacker
22-11-2002, 09:42 AM
I originally voted for the original scheme, but I was wondering if we couldn't have something more similar to Delphi's default scheme, i.e. white background, black text, blue comments, etc. I can't stand a grey background though.

22-11-2002, 10:08 AM
5. You mean maybe something like this?

That's why I listed "Other" as one of the choices, so if people didn't like any of the above they could list some alternative. Using the default Delphi syntax highlighting with a white background is cool with me, it's what I use in Delphi anyways. I just can't read the neon highlighting on such a dark background for any length of time. Feel free to download any of the above images and mock it up with a syntax highlighting you think might be better and repost it for all to see.

22-11-2002, 10:19 AM
Hey I think I *might* have a solution.

I can add new 'tags' to the pascal highlighter:

[background=#xxxxxx] Background colour
[reserved=#xxxxxx] Reserved words colour
[numbers=#xxxxxx] Numbers colour
[strings=#xxxxxx] Strings colour
[comments=#xxxxxx] Comments colour

Of course, we'd have a default colour scheme, but you could override any or all of them with these settings.

That doesn't mean the people reading it will like it though, but I can't do much about that :twisted:

What do you think?

22-11-2002, 10:24 AM
Actually... that's a great idea! That way everyone would be happy.

22-11-2002, 02:35 PM
Can you spot the difference?


[background=#FFFFFF][normal=#000000][number=#FF0000][string=#0000FF][comment=#8080FF][reserved=#000000]{Syntax Highlighting}
Procedure TForm.ButtonClick(Sender TObject);
Number: Integer;
Number := 123456;
Caption := 'The number is: ' + IntToStr(Number);

Include this just after the pascal tag to get the above colours:


Nice eh? :D

We still need to decide on a default style though :roll:

22-11-2002, 04:04 PM
I like the 1st one for the default....i thought that whats the poll was all about... :P

23-11-2002, 02:06 AM
{Syntax Highlighting}
Procedure TForm.ButtonClick(Sender TObject);
Number: Integer;
Number := 123456;
Caption := 'The number is: ' + IntToStr(Number);

Thanks Cat, that's cool it's now customizable.

iLLUNIs, the poll is for the default... I was trying to get everyone's input on it's readability and just offered some alternatives pending my own preferences. Free freel to conitnue the poll while it's open and submit other suggestions for the deafult setup if you like, but now that we can customize the highlighting I can insure, at least with the code I post, that I won't have to sqwint at the screen to while trying to read it.

Obviously we'd never find a single setup that satisfies everyone, but I figured taking the entire forum's input we'd at least get a rounded idea of what people like and dislike (and could mold something from that). Too bad only 15% of the members choose to take part in the democractic process.

P.S. did anyone know we have over 30 members who have never posted.

23-11-2002, 10:14 AM
It's not a problem if people don't post, being registered means you can see new posts. And it's also interesting to visit members' websites.

However, of the 32 who haven't posted yet, 10 have never confirmed their registration. I'm going to email them and check they were able to confirm their registration as a small number of people have had problems with it.

Regarding the syntax highlighting, if you have any more suggestions please post them here. What about italic/bold text?

Useless Hacker
29-11-2002, 10:00 PM
Couldn't we have 'Courier New' instead of 'Courier'?

02-12-2002, 03:30 AM
Well that's one reason to use MS software, if only I could think of another one :lol:If only I could think of a reason to use glowing text. :)

I vote for the default Delphi syntax highlighting but it's not in the list.